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Metallica and AFM

Andy Hancock

Site Supporter
Mar 30, 2015
So I’ve hankered after a Met for ages (because it’s about the only available band theme I like the music ) but I only played one briefly.

Reviews say it is very similar to AFM (which I already have)

How similar is it ?

I have 4 pins in this house so would two of them being AFM and MET be a mistake?

I love AFM by the way so ‘similar’ sounds ok to me
Never really considered them to be similar

I guess they are both fan layouts with a bash toy in the centre

I’ve got both and love both. Metallica is far faster than AFM. Rules are very different and way deeper with Metallica.

I’d guess the premium is even less like AFM

I’d say go for it. It’s not like you’d be stuck with either game if it’s not too your tastes.
I would try and play it. I don’t think they are the same.
I would try and play it. I don’t think they are the same.
I am with Neil on this on the layout maybe similar but the game is totally different I am not a lover of both games Metallica has a much deeper rule set as you would expect from a more modern game and if you are a Metallica fan the added bonus of the music
Afm is just a good simple great flow game that and you will always walk away happy after a game one of those games you can turn on and have a blast
Agree with the above, I've never really noticed them being similar. Not sure how I feel about AFM but I really like Metallica - it's a deep ruleset on an uncomplicated layout.
Never really considered them that similar either to be honest, and both are great games
I'd imagine any similarity comes from a top central bash toy. Other than that it's pretty different. I'd have one if I had the cash & space and will likely get one at some point - I have a AFM SE remake.
I'll get some pics together this evening and post in the 'Today I received thread'. We're going to replace some bulbs and a couple of plastic pieces this week as well as have a tinker with the Mothership, replace rubbers and tweak the jets. It's almost more fun fixing the thing than it is playing it!
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