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"Media" section


Site Supporter
Jul 24, 2011
North West UK
Hi Paul,

Next to my Media button in the main menu it shows as having two unread messages. When I open the Media and choose to Mark all Read, to says:
The following error occurred:
A server error occurred. Please try again later.

No biggy, but just so you are aware.
ooh - Thanks :)

Saying that i must have broken it somehow - I'll check it out later, as there is an update to apply :)

Cheers for the heads up!
I am still experiencing this issue. Here's my main navigation menu showing the alert count of 2:


And here's the result of clicking the Mark Media Viewed link on the Media > New Media page:

try it now... have updated the add-on, so should be fixed (Worked ok on mine!)....
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