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London and South East League meet


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Oct 7, 2012
Marlow on Thames, Bucks
Just a quick heads up to say that the next meet is planned for Sunday 11th March at my place (Pavlov Towers) in High Wycombe.

Dawn hasn't sent out an official email yet but just thought it might be an idea to let you know in advance so you can keep the date free...
Fantastic - hope R1 results are out soon also.

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cheers Paul, bummer I will be at the Dutch Pin Masters, gutted to miss an event at yours!
Excellent - hope I can make it. Had a great time last time I was there and a great line of up pins.
Dawn has now sent the email out so the league meet on the 11th March at Pavlov Towers is officially on! Hope to see you there...
@Mfresh has a great collection of pins, and they are in very good order .

Will be a great league meeting .
can't wait, me and the wife are coming :D

Should I bring my streaming gear? :)
Paul - would have loved to come but it's Mother's Day so not going to work out for me I'm afraid - gutted... Good luck all!
Paul - thanks to you and your wife for fantastic hospitality today and a great bunch of pinball machines! We both enjoyed it a lot!


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A great day out thank you @Mfresh , Bella and I really enjoyed it ...


I could identify two fundamental differences between it and Midlands league meetings ...

  1. There was no boiling water urn. This attends all our meetings and is absolutely integral to Midlands pinball and associated tea drinking
  2. People in the South actually have access to trains and Uber, and use them. Public transport does not really exist in the Midlands so folk all travel by car, or ox driven carts
Echo all that's been said in past threads....thanks paul for having us south westerners ...great event...really enjoyed it. Was great to see some new faces and some old.....( @Chris P @DRD @Neil McRae amd cj of course! ) really enjoyed dialed in. Just getting into it when it was time to go....boo hoo! As a side issue..had a customer say to me this week.."Keith where are all the chicks that play pinball, there just aren't any" (his words not mine..chick is not in my phrase book. ) Well now I know the south east ! Refreshing to see so many ladies playing......Great machines great event.....thanks again.
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Thanks for hosting Paul. Machines looking and playing beautifully again. Sorry for leaving so soon after finishing my games but a long journey was ahead.
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