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Leagues, groups etc


Site Supporter
Feb 10, 2012
Ive been having a browse around for a while and was hoping to find a section on the various leagues and groups that meet throughout the country. There seems to be a north league and southern league, but ive no clue who runs either, how oftern they meet and what sort of graphical area they cover. I myself am in the northwest and am looking for like minded individuals to meet up with. There may be other groups that I or other novices are not aware abouts that perhaps should be brought out of the closet and announce there presence, or Ill just play with myself some more.
All the details for the UK Pinball League can be found here:


Looks like there is a northern league meet next weekend
There a Northern meet this weekend if you are up for that. Check out the yahoo group for more details. Dave Dutton is the Northern League co-ordenator and the person to speak to, once on the mailing list you will get all the updates for the Northern league meets.

I belive this weekends meet is at Congleton , Cheshire.

Cheers, ive just sent a mail to get on the mailing list.. Congleton is in easy reach but think the Gf is hoping for a weekend away.
Hiya Mooseman,

I encourage league co-ordinators to post their meets on here - some do, some dont - i did all the ones for last year, however they are subject to change so i would personally prefer if they, as co-ordinators, could do it....

If there's any Leage co-ordinators who would like to post their meets on here please let me know, else i will try to keep things up to date here myelf


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