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Found it! JY, TAF or DI

Jason Catrine

Site Supporter
Dec 29, 2018
Just got a WOZ this week which burst me into another room in the house and the mrs is actually on board and has said maybe another 2 alongside would look good. So before she changes her mind and buys some pointless furniture, anyone got anything for sale? To keep the mrs happy, HUO sort of condition would be ideal. She likes Junkyard and The Addams Family. Personally after playing WOZ for the past few days non-stop, I think another Jersey Jack game would be ideal and as I’ve played Dialled In and liked it, thats at the top of my list.
I’ve had a search through the forum to get a grasp of previous sold prices so I know roughly the ballpark for average, good and mint ones of all of these 3 so I know roughly what sort of dent in my wallet is coming. I’m in Scotland and Martin knows me well so it’d be most likely a Martin pickup but anything north of England then I might drive down and get it. Let me know if you have any of these and what condition you’d class it as.

Alternatively with a 5k per machine top budget I might go for something else. The NIB Houdini machine is really tempting me but as I’ve never played it I’m not sure. If anyone knows where one is in the wild semi-nearby then let me know and that could be my Sunday plans to drive to the north of England to put a few pounds in it and see if its one for me before they sell out.

My DI was up for a few weeks, seemingly couldn't get it gone, now this :O - I think you will struggle to get another DI at this price, I got a bargain and sold it on for similar, I wanted mine gone, but the price was January led more than anything else.

Theres a JJP hobbit up at the moment, @Colywobbles swears it is one of the best games ever made, if you like WOZ - you will probably like the long ball times of that, £700 over budget but that is what PM's are for...
I tell you what looks awesome next to WOZ...... another WOZ. Just so happens I’m selling one. PM me. 😬
Well they were buddies in the factory as my new one is number 28 and yours is 27 but they’ve grown apart. Out of everything I’ve owned and played, WOZ is my personal number one, so really surprised yours ain’t away yet. It wipes the floor with my unmentionable 2019 Stern game in the other room.
There is a mint LOTR for sale - I’d start there esp if you have WoZ and your wife likes it.

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Thanks Neil. I did look at it but one Stern in my house is probably enough - especially considering my Stern is near the top of your personal not with a barge pole list (The Munsters) :p ......although there is something i like about it as well as at the same time I can see where you’re coming from too. Its a love hate game but some Sterns for me have never quite moved over from hate to love yet.This JJP WOZ on the other hand.......really makes me appreciate what a great pinball is. So if people say something is in that league, i’ll take peoples advice and buy it.
Thanks Neil. I did look at it but one Stern in my house is probably enough - especially considering my Stern is near the top of your personal not with a barge pole list (The Munsters) :p ......although there is something i like about it as well as at the same time I can see where you’re coming from too. Its a love hate game but some Sterns for me have never quite moved over from hate to love yet.This JJP WOZ on the other hand.......really makes me appreciate what a great pinball is. So if people say something is in that league, i’ll take peoples advice and buy it.

Lotr is a great game imho. i’ve seen @Monkeyboypaul ‘s one that’s for sale it’s lovely. i’ve got one too but not for sale. it’s such a deep game but also approachable without knowing the ruleset

if you come down to n. england im in leeds welcome to come play my machines. got jjp potc le. that’s a tough old game - again nfs.

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You missed a cracker of a deal with James’s DI and I was amazed how it hung around so long TBH
I had a WOZ and loved it but when my Hobbit arrived I passed it on to a close mate who is local so I can always play whenever I want.
If you like JJP pins you won’t go wrong with TH it is IMO the best theme intergration of any pin and the sound is to die for.
The only negative is the long ball times but that’s partly the reason i like it in my collection as non pinheads can have a blast without knowing what to do.
You get a hellova lot of a pin with JJP and prices lately have been crazy on both DI & TH. I’m just waiting on a nice JJP POTC to pop up and my BM66le May even end up here.
My budget is somewhat psychologically set at 5k. I have clicked on The Hobbit post everyday for the last week and thought its a bargain but I can’t gamble on it for £5700. If i’d played it and liked it then its a no brainer. It’s another in the if i can play it nearby i’ll make a 200 mile trip tomorrow to see if i can justify blowing the budget category.
You’re more than welcome to come play TH at mine SR5 3DQ and I have a few others you can play too inc GOTG, DP, BM66, GB and a mate across road has several more but more of the classic 90s era inc, TOM, TAF, FH, TZ, CV & stern ST plus another that skips my mind ATM
Oh and while I’m on I think 5k for a NIB Houdini is also a cracking deal you would lose little to nothing whatsoever and do yourself a favour and watch SDTM review of it if you can’t get to play in the flesh.
I’d play the hobbit before I bought it.

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4 Italy gambles in and no replies for a Junkyard. Not sure if for sale yes! means its went long ago on pinballowners.com. Need to get what the mrs wants soon. Please help....and if you can do a muli-buy and I win too then thats a result. Much rather a JY plus something else. Thanks.
Brilliant. Thanks very much for your help. I’ve emailed the guy to see what he says about shipping to Scotland.

Edit: just realised that i’d looked at this one before. Doesnt say on his website that its faulty but was listed as broken on the other advert.

The search continues.
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I think tilt had a Houdini in it for a while.

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Just incase someone else almost gets scammed by this guy I figured I’d add something here so it shows up in a search. I almost bought a TAF from Europe as it looked nice and was €4600 (just over £4000). Had ColourDMD and a few mods. Seller was on pinballowners.com as Kindo4. Alarm bells went off when his profile said he was in one country but his whatsapp number had the dialling code for another. When asked he said he was originally from Germany but now works at an embassy in another country (again suspicious as he was making it sound like he works for a government agency - sounds like a scam tactic to gain trust). After checking the creation date of the pinballowners account it was only 12 days old (another alarm). Final nail in it was a quick search on his email address. Turns out it was flagged on a site that lists known scammers (stopforumspam.com) just 4 weeks ago. I’ve now blocked the guy but suspect he will try someone else so I’m sharing these pics that he sent so people are wary of buying from him. If anyone recognises these pictures then please let me know.
Oh and finally his profile on pinballowners says he owns 2 pins....but Funhouse isn’t the other one listed, despite him just having took these pictures for me.
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