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Just got first pin!!!


Apr 30, 2015
Yesterday was spent in the car 4hrs each way, but I've now got my first pin. It's a recently refurbished Party Zone, very happy with the pin and very happy with the seller.

Let the PARTY BEGIN!!!
Was it the one on the bay for £600?
No, bought off the forum.

First pin and wanted to make sure that I got something that was going to work.
Whatever you do, do not buy two. They start to breed
No2 could be sooner than I thought, the wife now is warming to the idea of pins, she's enjoying this but thinks that you need more so as not to get board of the 1 pin! Sounds like a win win situation

You, sir, are living the dream!
What not even a steak and kidney pie, not worth it! Need to think of something else.
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