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[Jul 31, 2011] PinGolf Competition 31st July, at Ochran Mill (NP7 9HU)


Staff member
Oct 5, 2012
South Wales
Our PinGolf contest consists of 18 "holes" played on various machines. For each hole a particular machine will be specified with a target for the player to achieve in as few "strokes" (balls) as possible. For the first nine holes the targets will be scores, for the second nine holes, on the same (or similar) set of machines the target will be goal orientated - drop a particular set of targets, achieve 5x bonus, start multiball etc.

A detailed set of rules will be appearing shortly, once I have had them checked by the IFPA's representative. The competiton is approved by the IFPA and will qualify for WPPR points.

There will be a description available shortly of the holes (Subject to machine availabilty).
Everyone welcome from Friday (29th) onwards, plus my 50th birthday party on the Saturday (30th)
Anyone travelling down from/through the east midlands and want and to share a lift/costs? I'm in Lincoln.
i may come along, if i can buy or borrow a tent (for me and my dog) - anyone got one i can borrow?

also, i will be driving from Hanwell in West London if anyone wants a lift - not sure when, but probably head down on Saturday morning, come back Sunday evening.
cooldan' date=' post: 1663331 said:
i may come along, if i can buy or borrow a tent

Millets, then take it back on Monday?

If you're really stuck we've got one spare here but might be taken by Saturday.
much appreciated offer, but i found one half price at argos for 19.99 so i think i'll probably buy that so as not to chance it. i've not camped out for about ten years, might be fun to get out of the big smoke for a weekend. hmmmmm
cooldan' date=' post: 1663347 said:
much appreciated offer, but i found one half price at argos for 19.99 so i think i'll probably buy that so as not to chance it. i've not camped out for about ten years, might be fun to get out of the big smoke for a weekend. hmmmmm

Been looking for a tent myself. Tescos. £15.
Was looking forward to making it down but it looks like I will have to miss out as having to work Fri/Sat.

I am sure all who make it down will have a great weekend and its even given good weather.

Have fun pin people.
For anyone coming from the East, (unlikely to be three wisemen as I don't think there's even one on the forum) in light of the M4 problems I recommend getting off at junction 24 going north on the A449, getting off at Usk and turn right in the middle of Usk town towards Chainbridge, straight after you go over the bridge (you won't miss it) take a left and go straight on untill you reach the A4042 then take a right, we're a couple of miles down the road, look out for a big 50 sign on the Friday and Saturday or a Pinball sign on Sunday.
Great event Dave, thanks for hosting it and I hope your head feels better soon. For those who are friends with me on Facebook I have uploaded a few photos ...
Dave2084' date=' post: 1663688 said:
Great event Dave, thanks for hosting it and I hope your head feels better soon. For those who are friends with me on Facebook I have uploaded a few photos ...

Are you not going to upload some of the pictures onto here ?
I had a great time Dave, thank you and thanks also to your missus for the hospitality and all the excellent grub. I enjoyed PacMan and Laser War the best, cos everything else kicked me into touch. I've decided that a ball save is definitely still my favourite feature on a pinball machine.
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