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I've just won a Mug from HLD...


Jun 30, 2016
I read this forum often but very rarely post as I don't have a pin (I ride Mountain bikes and there just a expensive). But today I won a Mug from HLD, after they asked in one of there videos "What licence would you like to see made into a pin"...

So I thought it would make a good thread (unless it's already been done of course)

If you could do any licence what would it be?
My Little Pony!

Just kidding.

Wishlist would be something like Firefly, Red Dwarf, The Fifth Element, The Matrix. Can't beat a good sci-fi pin.
For the record I went for Toy story, 3 wizard modes for the 1st 3 movie's. Great oneliner for call outs, would appeal too young and old alike:thumbs:
How about Fast and Furious?

They've made 8 or more films they have a live show so lots of intrest in the theme.

Layout has got to be fast. You can start off like Junkyard collecting mods for the car, and like the cars the mods and cabs could be endless (Stern).
I would have said a proper Back to the future made by jersey jack.

but very happy with 3 themes coming from stern, Deadpool, Munsters and Elvira 3 just hope stern does them justice
Blues brothers is a great shout. I can just imagine shaking my tail feather to it.

I would love to see a gangster theme. A Goodfellas pin would be great but one based on the 1930's era. You could have drive by multi ball.
Modes could be the 5 families or you would need to take over the boroughs in New York.
Sopranos was garbage so definitely a gap in the market imo.
I would have said a proper Back to the future made by jersey jack.

but very happy with 3 themes coming from stern, Deadpool, Munsters and Elvira 3 just hope stern does them justice
Bttf would be nice.

Also suprised that no one has done an overlay for the original bttf, similar to the one done for the Flintstones. (Read this somewhere else just the other day so I'm not taking credit for it).
I would have said a proper Back to the future made by jersey jack.

but very happy with 3 themes coming from stern, Deadpool, Munsters and Elvira 3 just hope stern does them justice

Both Deadpool and Elvira 3 are cool, but I can't help but think the Munsters will be a Addams family rip off:rolleyes:
Are they really bothering to do the Munsters? Is there a remake in the pipeline? Would anyone under the age of 40 even have a clue about that show?

For a kiddie friendly theme I’d pump for Scooby-Doo. Could have great spinning bookcases and secret passages
Harry Potter seems like it would be good to me, although a long thread on Pinside suggesting why it won't happen.
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