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iron B-A-S-T-A-R-D man

''Tis a brutal game, fastt and furious and not a car in sight
Sounds like the game might be a tad too difficult for you Paul. I'll take it off your hands as a straight swap for my Vector. :)
I'm going to adjust the pitch so it's perfectly flat. And take the glass off. If that fails you have a deal.
It's a great game, one of Stern's best. I have a HUO VE that I was going to list for sale shortly if anyone is interested in one after reading this thread, was going to ask £3750 or I'd be interested in a part-ex with a Walking Dead Premium - have to keep a brutal game in the collection!
The most brutal game I have ever owned. Loved it.

TWD Premium is less brutal, longer ball times. For me TWD is one of the best games of all time. The immersion is spectacular.
IM is my longest owned Stern so far. It's really hard but when it all comes together on a good game it's awesome.

Do or Do Hurry Up is what it's all about, with double scoring going if you're really good :thumbs:

Jericho isn't too hard to reach either, you can get a good few points going for the ramps to progress through the marks by lighting the inlanes, which also gives bogey scoring, not as profitable as DOD but safer.

What really makes this so brutal is the angle of the top of the left slingshot, ball hits that and you just know it's going down the left outlane.

A good tip for even faster gameplay is to disable the orbit post, you lose the skill shot but that's hardly worth anything anyway.
A good tip for even faster gameplay is to disable the orbit post, you lose the skill shot but that's hardly worth anything anyway
You also lose ball feeding into the bumpers for super pops
Awesome. If that ever goes on sale, I fancy getting another IM as currently DMD/movie clips are a bit pants.
Play better!
I didn't get the chance mate. I hit the Drone target next to the right ramp, the next thing I'm aware of is my bonus being tallied up ! I didn't even see it go past the flippers. :rofl:
Just had about 5 or 6 goes. Only took 10 minutes. Need to sort these bloody outlanes out. If you don't make the right ramp, it's going down between the flippers... everytime.. unless you drag the machine down the hall, you can just about save it. Apparently I'm not authorised to do so. The machine and the mrs tell me off for it.
So, how's she settling in?

Had a 35million game earlier, which is very good for me, but all from the 1st ball. Balls 'Extra', 2 & 3 were all surgical cruelty.
Everything working correctly now. Had the ramps and plastics off yesterday to give it a good clean. Cleaned up real nice.
I haven't worked out a strategy yet but started Jericho a few times now. Give it a week or so and I should start to score on it.

Enjoying it immensely.
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