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In the words of Ice Cube - 'Today was a good day'

Still sussing it all out at the moment. There is a lot going on!

I have only ever played it once (I believe it was your yours actually Ive, at the slam!) but I wanted something that would stay a challenge for a long time. Hopefully I am going to love it.
Great pin, have fun with it. There's nothing like getting a new pin to play with
Like all games , but perhaps even more so, its essential TZ is tweaked so its playing properly.

Some things off top of my head ...

You should be able to make both ramps off both lower flippers.

The 'rocket' kicker should fire the ball thru the hitchhiker lane and into the 'town square' bumper area. You can adjust the guide by the kicker if it isn't.

The auto launch should fire the ball cleanly round the top loop.

Make sure the mini playfield is level - you dont want the ball nestling in a corner up there.

If you get a lot of bounce outs from the diverter I would seriously recommend the magnet ! Works a treat.

Thanks for the advice. I haven't checked that I can make both ramps from both flippers but the other 3 things you mention are all good.

I've had to go to work for a couple of hours so I'll check the ramps when I get home. Bloody work! Always gets in the way of far more important things.
ronsplooter' date=' post: 1677536 said:
Great pin, have fun with it. There's nothing like getting a new pin to play with

You are right, you cannot beat it. I've been after a TZ for ages too so it's extra special!

Nice choice with your Whirlwind by the way. Love that game!
wayne g' date=' post: 1677541 said:
i loved mine when i owned a tz. it was my very first pin!

out of curiosity where did you get that one from?

I posted on the group and Andy (The Legend) put me in touch with someone who wanted to shift theirs. (Not a group or forum member.)

Just got lucky really. Was a case of right place, right time as I have asked a few times in the past and never had any luck.
ah ok. i traded mine to a guy from cornwall about 6 months ago and i know it was up for sale.

good luck with it......you will never forget the first time you hit LITZ. it took me a few months as it was my first machine. it made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up!
Yeah, really looking forward to getting LITZ. I'm sure it will take me a while though due to me being a bit crap. :eek:
Oh, to learn TZ for the first time. You lucky person you.

Nice focus estate - looks exactly like mine!!
Great pin-carrying cars!!!

Oh and a nice pin too
Congrats on your new toy!
It's an awesome pin transporter! It's the only reason I keep it. Well, that and the fact that it is the most reliable car I have ever had.
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