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Iffy neighbours

Like to I said earlier, I had feeling she was "pushing the right buttons" with council. Must have been good for you to hear which buttons they were and how baseless too.

Like you said, patio can stay where it is for moment, but none the less, the result seems very much in your favour.

I bet you going to enjoy every single flip on your pins tonight!!! :) :) :)
Andy Heighway responded

He did? Where?? Good on Andy if he did :)
Edit - he did - updated on Pinside...

Just to clarify our position - Dennis has indeed designed the playfield layout of Alien Pinball, and development of the game continues, even though Dennis has now moved on from our company.

Although Dennis has indeed left us, we still consider his work to be complete with us and development continues with our team.

Dennis's announcement is unfortunate but it is his prerogative to move onto other projects.

Are we behind schedule at the moment? By approximately 1 1/2 weeks, yes. The prototype playfield gets cut next week and ball guides either just before or after Christmas. Testing of the prototype is weeks, not months away.

As for April production? We have a fully playable version of the game, complete with rules, on a digital platform already.

I apologise to our customers for having to give an update his way, but it was not our choice that this post appeared in this way.

We will always be grateful to Dennis for his contribution to this game and continue to have the utmost respect for his work as one of Pinball's design legends

Anyhow, Back on topic :) (sorry!)
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on the barking dog thing, i got a lemon bark collar for Yoshi and it's like a miracle, so many many thanks for that recommendation Rudi and death. she's like a changed animal.

the last few weeks she has been getting worse and worse, and it feeds on itself in a vicious cycle. the more she barked, the more we got ****ed off and fed up with her, the more anxious she got. now it's reversed direction, and she's realising that not barking not only means no lemon spray up the hooter, but also lots more affection and cuddles and treats.

gif dog grinning.gif gif dog-slide.gif gif happy-dog-is-happy.gif gif dog_talking_on_the_phone.gif gif dog-has-dinner.gif gif rapping-dog.gif
Awesome news Dan :thumbs:
They help the dog to stay relaxed and out of that stressed vicious circle as you have said.

I don't agree with punishment collars like the shock collar but the more humane lemon collar that gives a little 'odd smell' that breaks the barking and the habit is Brilliant :)
Just read the whole thread mate, a good result.

After reading the first page, I knew you'd have nothing to worry about, but when you're the one with the letters coming thru the door and people arranging visits, it can all seem like bad news.

Good luck on her getting her comeuppance after shouting her mouth off.
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