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Iffy neighbours

Yeah used to sell them when I worked in a pet shop in my youth. Uses the same stuff they use in that anti bite / chew spray (get off it used to be called) used to use it to stop my parrots chewing what they wernt ment to
She lives alone so I have to be a little careful. Much easier if it was a man to talk to.

What a surprise. Been through exactly the same kind of thing but much worse in last few weeks to the point of getting dog warden round to give her a 'warning'. I won't bore you with all the details leading up to this, but she told the dog warden a load of sh*te and still continues to let the dog run wild around the right of way, so little has been gained so far. We don't speak now and has been the better situation overall as her previous goading and my biting back wasn't healthy.

My advice....; f*ck her, play your pinballs however you like (up to 11.00 pm), don't speak to her or register anything she says other than 'you had your chance and blew it'. You just can't win with these sad individuals with nothing better to do.
Compared to the noisy neighbours round here, I think I am pretty reasonable. I'll play my pin's in the cabin up till about 10:30-11pm, if anyone complains about it before that time, they can f**k off.

I don't blare my music our all day or have a barking dog in my garden 24/7, so if people can't put up with the muffled sounds of pinall through the walls of the cabin (and their house) then that's their problem.

If I was playing pinball at 2am and it annoyed someone, then fair enough
Had contact from the local district council yesterday to arrange a visit to my property on Thurs.
The ol Cow has reported me for threatening and intimidating behaviour. I wouldn't mind so much but I haven't even done anything yet!?!?!
Apparently I have made her feel uncomfortable and unsafe in her home.
Will be interesting to know what she has said to them as I can prove Ive done nothing due to the four camera CCTV system working 24/7 we have installed.

Think this woman has lost the plot?!?
So far we actually haven't done a thing to her. I feel someone else has been reporting her and we are getting the blame. She must feel its a *** for tat thing etc so is reporting us for either next to nothing or completely fabricated events.

Will keep you guys posted as to what happens.

One a good note the dog has been quiet since she reported us....
Jesus Christ, what a b*tch! Hopfully though with the CCTV system you can maybe turn it against her and prove it is not your fault. At this stage I'd just tell her to get f*cked :eek:
Had contact from the local district council yesterday to arrange a visit to my property on Thurs.
The ol Cow has reported me for threatening and intimidating behaviour. I wouldn't mind so much but I haven't even done anything yet!?!?!
Apparently I have made her feel uncomfortable and unsafe in her home.
Will be interesting to know what she has said to them as I can prove Ive done nothing due to the four camera CCTV system working 24/7 we have installed.

Think this woman has lost the plot?!?
So far we actually haven't done a thing to her. I feel someone else has been reporting her and we are getting the blame. She must feel its a *** for tat thing etc so is reporting us for either next to nothing or completely fabricated events.

Will keep you guys posted as to what happens.

One a good note the dog has been quiet since she reported us....

Tell them you think she runs a brothel...
Report the dangerous uncontrolled dog running free. Its obviously too much for the poor old dear to handle and should be taken into care for its own good...
Report the dangerous uncontrolled dog running free. Its obviously too much for the poor old dear to handle and should be taken into care for its own good...

Not too sure they would believe its that dangerous. Its a little white fluffy westy lol. And you like other would think that this is some old woman with too much time on her hands who likes to moan etc. But in reality she's around 35 years old :cuckoo:
Bloody thing did run into our house over the summer and cock its leg up the couch but luckily my son stopped it in time. We never got an apology or even spoke to when we handed the dog back and explained what had happened.

You may be thinking that I live in a bad area? its actually a really nice place apart from her. She is fast becoming unliked by the neighbours around here.
Show them this thread - seriously - They can see that you have been suggested all sorts of things to do to her, and you have done none of them.... Well done for being so restrained - I couldnt have been :mad:
Bloody-hell, she's a dopple-ganger of our witch next door...! Sorry to hear this, sounds a very similar problem to what we're got at moment, although we haven't been reported to council yet despite three major flare-ups in recent weeks. Our insane loony has reported us to council for having too low a council tax band amongst a world of other difficulties.

Fortunately, the last week or so has been quiet with no speaking as we cross paths. Sure yours will blow over as they all appear to do. No getting away from people like this though and they can really ruin your home for you. It's made us get a valuation and view a couple of other properties recently but hoping we can stick it out.

Best of luck with it, bet you can't wait to offer the CCTV footage of the alleged intimidation !
I'm simply stunned by the progress of events you're suffering @deathrow. A council visit? Frankly, I'm amazed they got the resources to deal with such an issue, but your neighbour has clearly managed to press all the right buttons to draw their attention. If you're telling the truth it seems like you've been very restrained where others would have completely blown their top. Tread carefully and stick to the truth, and then nothing will back-fire on you. There's no law against owning pinball machines and whilst operating them in a terraced or semi- house late into the night might be a case for noise pollution and/or anti-social behaviour, anything during normal business hours is totally acceptable and moderate noise levels are also acceptable into the early evening.

If you can find the time tomorrow I really would recommend dropping into Citizens Advice. Always good to know where you stand, which I'm fairly confident is in a rather strong position. Unless your neighbour can substantiate her claims with evidence she buggered. And if the council come away on Thursday in your favour they won't take her seriously in the future.

Good luck!
PS. If she really is running "alternative services" at her property she's walking a very thin line by drawing the attention of the local services so close to home.

Maybe after a hard day at work she's fed up of listening to her neighbours banging away all evening ;)
Theres no alternative services and I strongly doubt she is a woman of ill repute as it were.. Just think she's one of those "modern" independent women with an appetite.
I wouldn't falsely report that kind of thing as I would lose moral high ground should this end up in court. My "tempting" reply was tongue in cheek to try and lighten the mood and move posts away from darker persuasions of action.

Nope I would not want to visit. Declined her advances around 2 years ago.

Fibbing I'm not. We really have not been the cause for the complaints she has received so far regarding her dog or any other complaints she has received.

Funny to mention the "pressing of the right buttons" etc... I did manage to find out that when she lived with her mother a couple of years back that there were a string of complaints about the dog noise so maybe she does know what to say to work the system to her benefit.
I too find this very odd about the pace of action. I feel this is because I am a 6 foot plus man who likes his food and she's a five foot woman living on her own. The council officer attending is also a woman. She's stated that a visit has already been made to my neighbours property regarding the complaint of threatening and or intimidating behaviour.. I have never had the police called on me for this or ever had any accusations of this type before.

Being restrained is difficult I can assure you and there are a few more events I could post on here that I have let go without re-course in the past to keep the peace.
Luckily I have kept a clear head, logged events and kept all proof that I can. I have no problems with proving innocence but will bring you guys up to speed on thurs evening.

To be honest I very much doubt she could hear anything from my pins in her property due to the layout etc and the fact none of my other neighbour said they have heard anything when I asked them.
I really do believe she has mistaken us for the aggressors of her reported issues and has decided to try and look for anything she can to try and defuse any reports as *** for tat arguments.

We are now in contact with our local Environmental health officer (protection) and seeking an abatement notice.
He has given us a Statutory Nuisance Allegations leaflet and a Statutory nuisance record sheet and is keen to fit sound monitoring equipment to record the dogs barking activities.

I have a videos of the dog barking at the property from 8am to gone 23:00 pm.
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We are now in contact with our local Environmental health officer (protection) and seeking an abatement notice.
He has given us a Statutory Nuisance Allegations leaflet and a Statutory nuisance record sheet and is keen to fit sound monitoring equipment to record the dogs barking activities.

I feel this is because I am a 6 foot plus man who likes his food and she's a five foot woman living on her own. The council officer attending is also a woman.

Hmm... Interesting that when i read this these were the two parts that stuck out for me....

Maybe when this woman calls throw her off guard by getting your other half to field the questions asked.....

Anyhow Good luck. I know some people who have had all sorts of problems, and all being well this can get sorted sooner rather than later :)
So had the visit today and I can confirm no action is to be taken against us.

The council woman was very friendly and actually very helpful, even the neighbours dog helped too by singing the chorus of his people whilst she was here.

Not too much can be said as I don't want to cause any possible issues later down the line but lets just say the tables have turned and the council are now working with us rather then against us :thumbs:

No issues with the noise levels from my machines and or the time that they are used as long as I stick after 8am and before 11pm and keep levels as they are. However if any other neighbours were to complain then they can look for noise abatement conditions even if during the day to make sure sounds are at a reasonable level. (they always are)
Result! :)

I queried the action pace and the letters. The official was unable to tell us exactly what was said but it was confirmed that the neighbour had used the old card of single woman and safety and used the machine volume as harassment???.

Keep on playing your pins guys :clap:
Glad to hear it's worked in your favour, the world would be a much better place without these people.

I had a brilliantly tragic falling out with the femnazi's who live next door to me a few months after we moved in, they also have a noisey dog too which I don't mind too much because I'm very much a dog person and it's not barking at daft hours, however if they did ever complain about pin noise they can stick it where the sun doesn't shine :)
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