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I really hope this is just another Fake News Story

When I was in the Army, we used to get Coronavirus in a wrist lock and throw it down the toilet. And some other viruses we used to punch in the face until they died. So that’s what will likely happen. Although that was 16 years ago so might have changed
Got same last night, although said happening Monday, to be notified Sunday. Whether all or part of it fake, it would be naïve not to think we'd be in a lockdown situation like Spain etc. shortly. Headlines this morning advising 20,000 troops on standby.
I worked yesterday and it was eerie how empty my trains were. A peak 12 car train from London had a handful of people each coach. Usually full and standing.

I've heard rumours about lock down too. If BJs language yesterday was anything to go by id say there's truth in it. He used words like 'enforce' with regards to making sure people follow the rules with isolating.. How do you enforce without police on the ground? And how do you have enough police without using the forces.

My company is looking to run a modified Sunday service from Monday too, considering how empty the trains have been. That will change further if London does lock down.
People will need it to be enforced. Teenagers dont get it and just carry on with the blase approach that they wont catch it. Also corporate irresponsibility doesnt help.. new Taco Bell opened in Cardiff last night, the place was rammed... i mean come on - get a grip people!!

Place is full of people who only give a **** about themselves... :mad:
The *lockdown* situation is exactly what has been happening in France since Monday...
On the Uncles cousins mate thing: My brothers mate Christophe is chef du Gendarmerie in Chasseneuil sur Bonniere... (names added for actualitee) Chris' didn't get told until the day before even though they are the ones enforcing it.
Macron has been bleating ever since that Britain "isn't taking it seriously enough".
Ive not bulk/panic bought anything though, so I'm clearly an idiot...
Those pics are not in this country but multiple people had spotted military vehicles on our own M5. Could be completely unrelated though and probs a case of people doing the old 2+2=5, but there does appear to be more more police kicking about. Which is a good thing given the absolute stupidity going on at the supermarkets.

The ones clearing out the shelves will be the first to cry poverty in a few weeks when their money and supplies have ran out, but they're screwing the rest of us over as well and especially the elderly.
The ones clearing out the shelves will be the first to cry poverty in a few weeks when their money and supplies have ran out, but they're screwing the rest of us over as well and especially the elderly.
At least Tescos have now said that on Sunday they'll open an hour early for the elderly AND NHS staff, so I may actually be able to buy some food. Currently by the time I get out, the supermarkets are completely empty of virtually anything.
55 staff in my school now ill or isolating. Kids are falling like flies.
problem is they have no idea of the reality of a lock down. Two girls asked me today if they would be able to hang out in the park. FFS.

had a yr10 come in today as she was bored with self isolating.

As such a hard lock down is inevitable.

there’s been a desperate move to stick everything onto electronic documents so we can teach remotely. Kids don’t all have access to internet etc though or are sharing computers.

The poor yr11s and 13s have no idea about how grades will be awarded. the knock on for yr10s and yr12s is also going to be huge.
So - nothing announced on thursday night about a lock down as promised on that text.

At the end of the day - everyone is guessing what will happen.

The truth is NOBODY KNOWS.

Be safe people. Look after yourselves and your family.
So - nothing announced on thursday night about a lock down as promised on that text.

At the end of the day - everyone is guessing what will happen.

The truth is NOBODY KNOWS.

Be safe people. Look after yourselves and your family.

The sense I'm getting is that Boris really doesn't want to enforce a lockdown. He seems to be hoping we'll all stick to the advice given and act like smart mature grown ups, maybe trying to prove a point to Europe. Unfortunately the stupidity of humanity rears it's ugly head in these situations and proves we do need protecting from ourselves. It's going to force his hand and the lockdown will most likely happen, especially in London if not anywhere else.
The sense I'm getting is that Boris really doesn't want to enforce a lockdown. He seems to be hoping we'll all stick to the advice given and act like smart mature grown ups, maybe trying to prove a point to Europe. Unfortunately the stupidity of humanity rears it's ugly head in these situations and proves we do need protecting from ourselves. It's going to force his hand and the lockdown will most likely happen, especially in London if not anywhere else.

Yes, London is the last place I'd want to be right now. Saw a video yesterday of a gang smashing through the glass door of Sainsburys to steal alcohol. Even despite the shop being full of staff stocking shelves.

Whilst I understand it from a livelihood POV I’m kinda stunned by the number of pubs still open and the loons that are in them. HMG needs to act.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
I live less than a mile from Army HQ in Sandhurst and Gibraltar barracks is less than 3 miles away.

I don't go a day without seeing military vehicles and soldiers but I've not noticed any unusual activity.

Mrs Gonzo is a midwife at the local hospital. Things are not great in ICU and that's putting it mildly. Your best option is not to catch this thing at all so stay at home where possible.
I live less than a mile from Army HQ in Sandhurst and Gibraltar barracks is less than 3 miles away.

I don't go a day without seeing military vehicles and soldiers but I've not noticed any unusual activity.

Mrs Gonzo is a midwife at the local hospital. Things are not great in ICU and that's putting it mildly. Your best option is not to catch this thing at all so stay at home where possible.
My sister-in-law is a midwife at Basingstoke, not too far away. Must be tuff working in the NHS right now.
Yes, London is the last place I'd want to be right now. Saw a video yesterday of a gang smashing through the glass door of Sainsburys to steal alcohol. Even despite the shop being full of staff stocking shelves.

You may have seen the video recently, but it was filmed during the London riots of 2011
My sister-in-law is a midwife at Basingstoke, not too far away. Must be tuff working in the NHS right now.
It's certainly a worry mate. My lad (who you met in Chief) has bad breathing issues so we worry what Mrs Gonzo will pick up at the hospital.

Pretty stressful in all honesty.

The kids are luckier than most though. The mancave has a massive tv, 2 pins, xbox and enough films to last two armageddons. ..... so I'm not too sympathetic when they say that they are bored 😉
Lets take a minute to think about all the people in lockdown without a pinball machine. 😱
Yup thats me. Pinshed is in the last throws of build (Power going in this weekend/Next week...) and as such i still have no machines in there. The idea was to get the power in and then hire a van to move them up.... may be delayed :(
School has been hectic in the last week: I was in Monday - Friday but now have a persistent cough and a bit of a headache so am self isolating. It was very counter intuitive being told on the Monday: no social gatherings - but you can go to school. We have about 1500 kids and 250 members of staff. A lot of students were being sent to the nurse for coughing and despite hand sanitizer at classroom doors, wipes for keyboards/mice and regular hand washing. It’s not realistic to expect a 2m distance between students at all times in a full school. Because of me, my wife has to be self isolated for 2 weeks at least though she’s not showing symptoms yet. I know they’ve said you can go out for exercise but I’m surprised so many people seemed to be out in parks/beaches at the weekend. Stay home & play pinball on real machines/computer is the best bet. It’s not a nice time to have an unshakeable cough.
School has been hectic in the last week: I was in Monday - Friday but now have a persistent cough and a bit of a headache so am self isolating. It was very counter intuitive being told on the Monday: no social gatherings - but you can go to school. We have about 1500 kids and 250 members of staff. A lot of students were being sent to the nurse for coughing and despite hand sanitizer at classroom doors, wipes for keyboards/mice and regular hand washing. It’s not realistic to expect a 2m distance between students at all times in a full school. Because of me, my wife has to be self isolated for 2 weeks at least though she’s not showing symptoms yet. I know they’ve said you can go out for exercise but I’m surprised so many people seemed to be out in parks/beaches at the weekend. Stay home & play pinball on real machines/computer is the best bet. It’s not a nice time to have an unshakeable cough.

Good luck man, stay safe.
The one I posted above your comment or the initial thread starter?
Yours. It's been spreading in various forms.
Now seems to be wrapped in other advice to give it credibility.

Originally purported to be from Stamford. Now apparently NHS.

The sips of water and deep breaths thing is bull.
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