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I’m Getting Divorced Thread


Site Supporter
Nov 9, 2016
Billy Big B*llocks
Well not me personally but god knows how the wife puts up with me with having two games rooms and ATM the summer room housing 2 temporary pins for refurbishment.
I made the post in anticipation of needing some much needed advice when it all goes tits up, coupled with the fact poor @Dave Bishop ’s TBL sales thread went in the wrong direction.
Sorry Dave I was guilty too.

Anyway my Divorce true story! I once had a guy visit me to buy a pin and left with 3 as he was dumping his assets into something that may have gone unnoticed when everything was split 50/50
This was many years ago and the buyer a member here who will remain nameless must have known something I didn’t at the time. PINFLATION. What hindsight this guy had was a stroke of genius as he bought well over a dozen high end pins before the divorce went through.

Lastly my Niece with 3 kids is currently going through a messy divorce and has pretty much walked away just for her sanity due to her hubbys unreasonable behaviour. So although not first hand I am seeing the effects of how bad things can get from the flip side. Like we buy pinballs us her hubby collects motorbikes and expensive toys without a care of how it affects the family and its his way or the highway and now is paying the consequence.

For me it’s Family 1st, pins 2nd and if push comes to shove they would all go without hesitation. BTW that wont happen as I have a very understanding wife who I met when I had twice my current number of pins so she understands my addiction. I only wish I did as bloody FOMO gets me every release 😂
Well the former Mrs Gonzo knew me pre-pinball and was reasonably understanding if I'm honest, although their value did come up once or twice when we were separating.

My current (and hopefully last) girlfriend only knows me as someone who's mad about pinball so it's accepted and encouraged. We've even discussed potentially moving one day and she knows there will have to be dedicated pin space. 😂
I think I spoke about this on a post I started about feeling guilty not playing enough and having a fair bit of money wrapped up in games.

It’s just stuff at the end of the day and although most of us on here (myself included) are obsessed, if needs must they would be sold off in a New York Minute!

I luckily have a very supportive wife and a set budget and available space, so I am capped, which is for the best!
Always said I would never get married.
Ended up doing it in 2013 🙄
Mrs is great with this pin stuff…
When I want another pin, which we have very little space for, I run idea past her hoping she says no.
Her response it to rearrange stuff around the home to somehow fit it in.
I can never understand people why get married again, once is enough right?
Never again!!!! I'm not even in the divorced category but if it ever came to that, theres not a cats chance in hell i'd get married again. I'm quite lucky i have an understanding wife, and the biggest issue we have is that i dont understand what she means when she moans at me. Example..... I had 7 pins at the start of last year, she moaned as they were in the games room, living room and garage. So i sold 4 pins off and a few arcade games. January this year she encouraged me to build a proper games room and was then telling me to fill it, so theres a Martin van load incoming any day now. Turns out all she meant was get the damn things out the living room and not sell them, but me being an idiot, i didnt listen properly and thought i was making her happy by punting them. Think they need to teach us men how to listen properly to what women want at school :p
Not a divorce, but health issues
I have been struggling for the past 5 years with health issues, a month ago something new appeared, I am defiantly never getting to all the projects I have, I will never own a house big enough to have all my games up and running. So the sell-off has begun. In the last month I have sold four games , and more to come
Not a divorce, but health issues
I have been struggling for the past 5 years with health issues, a month ago something new appeared, I am defiantly never getting to all the projects I have, I will never own a house big enough to have all my games up and running. So the sell-off has begun. In the last month I have sold four games , and more to come
Sorry to hear that Pete and hope things turnaround for the better in every respect.
I too have a serious Heath problem discovered last year and soon to have a major op.
Not sure how I’m gonna come out the other side but bricking it ATM but nevertheless the wife has been promoted what all my pins are worth and I have few good friends on here who no doubt will be there if needed.
Keep ya pecker up mate I now know 1st hand about Anxiety, something only a year ago didn’t believe existed 😳
So like people are saying ‘family is the priority’
Yesterday I had one of the worst experiences of my life and I have had a fair few!

Had a knock at the door while in bed early yesterday morning, it was my 9 year old grandson crying his eyes out (daughter lives 3 doors away) in his pyjamas, he was so upset he couldn’t get the words out. I was thinking there must be a domestic going on (never happed before), for what seemed like ages he got the words out “Daddy will not wake up, he is blue and is not breathing” I stayed calm and told him not to worry he will be ok while also shouting my mrs up to get dressed and get round my daughters house.

I went there very shortly after she went expecting the worst, daughter was on the phone to 999 and all 3 little kids scared and crying there eyes out.
Thank god my daughter managed to get him back as not breathing and no pulse, no ambulance available for one to five hours and no first responder😡
We was thinking heart attack or stroke, he was out of it and confused.
Managed to get him in my car and drive 20 miles to A&E like a bat out of hell, had all the scans etc and nothing.
They think it’s meningitis so on a drip for that and will be doing a lumber puncture to see what that’s saying.
He seemed ok and talking last night.
Edit-he has been sick all night and rough🙁

So glad we all I’ve close, my other son lives 2 doors away!

So yes the family is the most important thing so try to keep it together and choose wisely!!!
Just dropped his car at the main dealers as it was booked in, daughter has dropped kids at school and gone on to the hospital.
Another son of mine is actually working at that hospital will be there today (6th year medical student) and a good friend of ours in the nhs here is going to help us with him🤞
Meanwhile I’m now writing a letter to my bro’s ex wife’s solicitors as he has involved me in the financial bull crap🤯
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GREED, nothing more, nothing less.
Junior Drs asking for 35% pay rise.
Bus drivers rejecting a 14% increase.
The list goes on....

Lockdown handclaps for all the essential workers - the ones absolutely necessary to keep the country going. Once the pandemic is considered over then don't pay those people a decent living wage.....

The people that told you to socially distance, not visit dying relatives etc. - they had parties and rake in 10000s per dinner speech. They are the ones that have let the NHS get into the state it's in not the workers. The media and politicians want the people to blame the workers while those at the top are sitting pretty laughing at the way the population blames the least well off for all the problems.

That's what's not right.

Lockdown handclaps for all the essential workers - the ones absolutely necessary to keep the country going. Once the pandemic is considered over then don't pay those people a decent living wage.....

The people that told you to socially distance, not visit dying relatives etc. - they had parties and rake in 10000s per dinner speech. They are the ones that have let the NHS get into the state it's in not the workers. The media and politicians want the people to blame the workers while those at the top are sitting pretty laughing at the way the population blames the least well off for all the problems.

That's what's not right.

I work in the NHS so would benefit hugely from such a pay rise, but it's ridiculous.

What they're actually asking for is 15% pay rise for current inflation and 20% pay rise to take in to account for 10 years of sub inflation pay rises. The vast majority of the junior doctors won't have been working in the NHS (or probably even left uni) 10 years ago so the whole basis of their request is a joke. How many people would realistically ask for, and expect to get, a 10 year back dated pay rise?

Even if the government did cave and give such a ludicrous increase, where's the money coming from? Taxes, and besides that the extra money in people's pockets would contribute further to inflation - so people would be no better off in the long run anyway, meaning more strikes from other sectors.
Peeps say private sector better off.
I got 3% notification other day, that’s the only increase in 3 years.
I’ll take it!
Don’t get me started on this …. 😬
I’m just cleaning the beer lines in my kegerator, hope those new kegs get here real soon as I have run out😫
Pilsner Urquell and Asahi will make things better!

I was a self employed electrician for years, don’t get me started ……….😂
(at the risk of derailing this thread too) I can't think of any job ever where you should get a pay cut year on year - makes absolutely zero sense in any light. And we have a certain amount of BSers on the news etc saying a pay rise in line with inflation is impossible?! Absolute fiction and just gaslighting - trying to make some people believe it's a thing.

But perhaps more importantly, all this while the dudes that are going about saying this and persuading man-on-the-street that these workers are greedy, are ABSOLUTELY minted. And I don't mean just in a well paying job, I mean absolutely-mindboggling-can't-even-comprehend minted. I mean paying for the electricity company to upgrade the power grid to heat your swimming pool, being able to realistically ask 10k a day for "work", getting paid $350k to make one speech level minted. And they're STILL also taking our money (taxes) and spending it on themselves, their luxuries, their mates and future employers in dodgy contracts. That is where the problem lies - we have a huge tax burden and the most of it is flowing to the insanely rich.

And to take a different point, if the pay rises are affordable or will come out of future taxes - Kwasi Kwarteng made a speech last year that cost us £30,000,000,000. Literally for speaking. I can't even comprehend how much £ that is. On the worst, worst (most expensive) projections of what a generous entire public sector pay rise would cost - it's £2,000,000,000 less than that.

I could also crank on about the likes of bus and train companies, reducing pay and conditions (in real terms), and STILL taking massive subsidies from the taxpayer, and charging insane prices, and somehow there's still no money in it? Ofc, there's plenty of very well paid CEOs etc that all have villas and yachts.

We're looking at, vilifiing and complaining at the wrong people.

I'll get off me soapbox now.

Good luck to all those with health & family nastiness. I have got one myself (the big C - getting sorted hopefully) but the NHS have been sterling, thankfully I've not needed an ambulance at any stage!

And also to return to subject I find the key to a happy marriage is to have a decent industrial unit or somesuch where you can have your stuff set up and it's not in the house! Harmony 😆
(at the risk of derailing this thread too) I can't think of any job ever where you should get a pay cut year on year - makes absolutely zero sense in any light. And we have a certain amount of BSers on the news etc saying a pay rise in line with inflation is impossible?! Absolute fiction and just gaslighting - trying to make some people believe it's a thing.

But perhaps more importantly, all this while the dudes that are going about saying this and persuading man-on-the-street that these workers are greedy, are ABSOLUTELY minted. And I don't mean just in a well paying job, I mean absolutely-mindboggling-can't-even-comprehend minted. I mean paying for the electricity company to upgrade the power grid to heat your swimming pool, being able to realistically ask 10k a day for "work", getting paid $350k to make one speech level minted. And they're STILL also taking our money (taxes) and spending it on themselves, their luxuries, their mates and future employers in dodgy contracts. That is where the problem lies - we have a huge tax burden and the most of it is flowing to the insanely rich.

And to take a different point, if the pay rises are affordable or will come out of future taxes - Kwasi Kwarteng made a speech last year that cost us £30,000,000,000. Literally for speaking. I can't even comprehend how much £ that is. On the worst, worst (most expensive) projections of what a generous entire public sector pay rise would cost - it's £2,000,000,000 less than that.

I could also crank on about the likes of bus and train companies, reducing pay and conditions (in real terms), and STILL taking massive subsidies from the taxpayer, and charging insane prices, and somehow there's still no money in it? Ofc, there's plenty of very well paid CEOs etc that all have villas and yachts.

We're looking at, vilifiing and complaining at the wrong people.

I'll get off me soapbox now.

Good luck to all those with health & family nastiness. I have got one myself (the big C - getting sorted hopefully) but the NHS have been sterling, thankfully I've not needed an ambulance at any stage!

And also to return to subject I find the key to a happy marriage is to have a decent industrial unit or somesuch where you can have your stuff set up and it's not in the house! Harmony 😆
Good luck with the big ‘c’, been there and the NHS are amazing.
I also have a garage like an industrial unit, you are so right. We are very happy😂
I work in the NHS so would benefit hugely from such a pay rise, but it's ridiculous.

What they're actually asking for is 15% pay rise for current inflation and 20% pay rise to take in to account for 10 years of sub inflation pay rises. The vast majority of the junior doctors won't have been working in the NHS (or probably even left uni) 10 years ago so the whole basis of their request is a joke. How many people would realistically ask for, and expect to get, a 10 year back dated pay rise?

Even if the government did cave and give such a ludicrous increase, where's the money coming from? Taxes, and besides that the extra money in people's pockets would contribute further to inflation - so people would be no better off in the long run anyway, meaning more strikes from other sectors.
The jobs in the public sector have salaries set by the Government. The unions have to ask for more than they are prepared to accept because that is the way negotiation works. Some junior doctors may be in that role for up to 20 years depending on their expertise.

They are not asking for a backdated pay rise but to be put on the same level that they were on 10 years ago.

If the Government hadn't wasted billions on PPE contracts for mates, Track and Trace and choosing Truss to tank the economy there would be money but almost certainly not the will from this government.

People always respond better when they are valued, you want better productivity then reward the workers. A classic example and one that hopefully wont be changed is John Lewis Partnership


Most people here are not poor because they can afford very expensive toys. Many people not here cannot afford to eat properly.

I know 2 fantastic doctors, one is a leading light in his field and has the equivalent of an OBE for services to (you guessed it) the Australian health service, as both of them headed to sunnier climes because the pay and conditions in the NHS are dreadful. We can't keep pretending we can't afford to pay the people who really make a difference in our lives the bare minimum and then complain that no one wants to do the work any more.
It’s just stuff at the end of the day ....
Consider yourself permanently BANNED. I've never heard such heresy. :p

I had a choice of moving in my disfunctional, alcholic, ex-girlfriend and her also disfunctional kids from 2 previous marriages but it would mean my collection would go.
I fed the data into my brainbox and computer said no.

Screen Shot 2023-03-27 at 15.15.13.png
I know 2 fantastic doctors, one is a leading light in his field and has the equivalent of an OBE for services to (you guessed it) the Australian health service, as both of them headed to sunnier climes because the pay and conditions in the NHS are dreadful. We can't keep pretending we can't afford to pay the people who really make a difference in our lives the bare minimum and then complain that no one wants to do the work any more.

People are forever squeezed on pay and conditions and yet get the blame for not being productive or loyal. Respect goes both ways - the Government doesn't respect the working people just look at the immediate pension tax benefit for very high earners and a token benefit for working people with children that won't even start to feed in for 6 months. The richest ever PM who has no idea how the majority of people live and buys kiddies suits to avoid VAT (last bit may be made up by me).

This is the thing though, it's not actually supposed to be the government who decides this lark, it's supposed to be us, with the government acting as our elected representatives. It's corrupted itself so badly that almost nobody sees it like that anymore.
Consider yourself permanently BANNED. I've never heard such heresy. :p

I had a choice of moving in my disfunctional, alcholic, ex-girlfriend and her also disfunctional kids from 2 previous marriages but it would mean my collection would go.
I fed the data into my brainbox and computer said no.

View attachment 197708
Computer made a good decision!

I asked my computer if i had to sell half my games to pay for a new kitchen for my partner and it said yes :(
iv now smashed the computer as clearly faulty.
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