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High speed 2 Q and A!


Feb 5, 2014
The free state
So the last 24 hours have been a roller coaster of emotion.
some happiness -fixing the super charger,getting the beacon light going.
Some rage - shorting a coil circuit to the switch matrix and blowing an IC on the cpu board :(

luckily a good friend of mine had the right IC so I was able to fit a socket this morning and fix it so the mood has improved.
I also got the up down ramp going 100%.it was a mechanical fault.(actually 2 faults)

The short to the switch matrix has caused an opto board to fail.(controls up ramp/loop opto)
closer inspection of this board shows it has been repaired and the chip is socketed so im going to try get one.

As it stands the game is playable but the supercharger doesnt kick in.

Sometimes when a ball is locked the games kicks two balls into the shooter lane.
all switches seem fine.possible software bug?
Any ideas?
Sounds like your having a nightmare but working through it. When I got mine nearly 2 years ago the lock ramp was a PITA, took me quite a lot of fiddling around to get it to work correctly. Luckily its been alright since but I expect it to start playing up again eventually.

So is it the small opto board to the right of the accelerator board that's knackered now? I hope its not the accelerator board itself, they are difficult to find.
Good to hear you're having a cracking time bringing the machine back to life.
ha ha I would say a nightmare or a cracking time!
but getting there!
Blowing that IC was a lesson learnt anyway.turn the machine off while poking around!
Its the small opto board.
supercharger is fine in test mode it just wont work because the entry ramp/loop is not detected.

anybody know much about IC's?I dont have a clue tbh.
the one i need has kia339P printed on it.

after a few games diagnostics tells me to check top lock switch,it checks out fine tho?
If I lock a ball,launch the next one the lock is still lit.this cant be right can it?

that's the one
there is only one chip on that board lm339 I think cheep as chips
make sure the opto on the ramp entrance is ok first and that you have good connections on the switch matrix side
make sure you check the lock switches in test mode by using the balls and not just triggering the switch with your fingers often if the balls don't sit right it will not touch the switch
Some rage - shorting a coil circuit to the switch matrix and blowing an IC on the cpu board :(
Must be a rite of passage for new Pin owners as I did something very similar when I got my R&B too.

Replacing the component on the board was a first for me - and the sense of accomplishment when I did it and it worked was superb.

Good luck with your efforts on HS2. It's a really nice Pin and one that's on my wanted list.
Thanks Chris. I ordered two chips just in case.
The two optos were working before I had the litte accident blasting the matrix.
Going to move onto getting the flashers sorted tomorrow. Need to order some parts first tho but should be able to have wiring sorted.
Replacing the component on the board was a first for me - and the sense of accomplishment when I did it and it worked was superb.

Oh yeah it feels good!
I was so relieved when I switched it on the errors were clear. Even better I didn't have to order the chip for once!
after a few games diagnostics tells me to check top lock switch,it checks out fine tho?
If I lock a ball,launch the next one the lock is still lit.this cant be right can it?


Getaway does tend to give a false error for the 'Top Lock' switch, simply due to a few games going by without all three balls being locked.

It is possible to have more than one lock qualified at a time (from the coloured target Green-Yellow-Red sequence), so that you've another lock lit straight after locking a ball.
Getaway does tend to give a false error for the 'Top Lock' switch, simply due to a few games going by without all three balls being locked.

It is possible to have more than one lock qualified at a time (from the coloured target Green-Yellow-Red sequence), so that you've another lock lit straight after locking a ball.
That's odd because surely the first ball to be locked activates that switch on its way past?
The top lock error happens to me all the time too, like Carl said you would think the ball passing the top lock switch would negate that but it doesn't.
You'd think so, but it doesn't seem enough for the software to regard it as a proper closure. Sometimes the 'Mid Lock' switch reports as well, especially if the self-healing gets involved, and begins multiball from the 'Burn Rubber' random award. The program has to see all three balls on the track to clear a report about the lock switches.

However, there's an opposite-case condition which I've seen occur on Party Zone. The rear ball popper has its own switch (closed by the seat of the ball popper), and a second switch right next to it, which usually serves to score the 'Big Bang' bonus. If the popper switch has failed, the self healing accepts the second switch to detect a ball reaching the ball popper, and operate the popper solenoid almost normally; though it's good enough to avoid a wait/ball search, it's not good enough to score/advance the 'Ozone Bonus'.
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Not sure what rom I'm on. Error has cleared anyway. It's a false error.
Got a few more bits done on the machine last night. Reflowed a few loose connections and got a non working insert light going. Diode was shot.
I hope I get the chip for the opto board comes tomorrow. I need to play this game properly!
You know when you get break the red light?
Your shooting for the lock on the left but the traffic light is on the the right???
Maybe thats why the removed "Run the Red Light" text in later roms...
I'm not sure what rom I'm on but it does the cool run the red light thing.
thats a pity its removed,
I'd consider moving the light to the right but if thats gone in the newer roms there'd be no point.
Describe it for me, I only really know my own machine so wouldn't know what I haven't seen :D

If you haven't seen this yet watch this vid for an awesome Getaway match.

its basicly just says Run the red light one word at a time in massive letters flashing like crazy with fast music!
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