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Traded Guns N Roses

Fintan Stack

Jul 22, 2011
Lyme Regis
Hi gang.

I am not 100% sure on this yet to be honest but thought I'd see if these is any interest in a trade.

I have a nice GnR that looks and plays great. I love it. But there are a couple of games that I really want to get my hands on. And I don't have the space or cash to keep them all sadly.

There are a few games on my wanted list but I am after a TAF more than anything right now. So if anyone fancies a trade get in touch.

I am only interested in a trade at this stage and not a sale. I have already promised someone first dibs if I do sell.

Again, i an not 100% sure that I want to part with this so just testing the water to see what is about.

Cheers all.

Wheres my old Taf now dean? I would love one again too. One day. Oh and a GnR for next to the acdc
Indeed I do @Fintan Stack and @Mooseman :D I've been slowly collecting bits and am on the preorder list for the CPR repro playfields so it'll get a full on restoration eventually to make it a beauty :thumbs: My favourite pinball machine of all time :clap:
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