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Guaging interest in getting some covers made


Site Supporter
Oct 7, 2012
Marlow on Thames, Bucks
Is anyone interested in some pinball covers if a batch is made?

The reason I ask is that Mrs Mfresh made me some a while back, what with her being a bit handy with the old sewing machine. Potentiall handy if you keep your machines in a garage or dusty environment, or to protect them from sunlight if they are near a window.

Anyway, young master Mfresh is collecting money to fund a trip to Albania where he will be working in an orphanage, and he figured he might be able to make a bob or by helping getting some more made up by his mum and flogging them.

I've attached a picture of one Mrs Mfresh made earlier, and a few people here have seen them in the flesh and can vouch for them: they work fine, they have magnets on each side that stick to the backbox hinge to keep them in place, but they are a bit more rough and ready than some of the ones I have seen for sale. But they would be much cheaper. To make it worthwhile I would think they would have to be about £20 each, and he would need a few orders so he can get the materials and magnets cheap.

So, anyone interested? Is that too expensive? Too cheap?
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I would be interested, possibly in 3. Depends how soon though as I couldent really invest £60 until next month.
Mooseman: I wasnt planning on doing hoods, although I suppose I could. Did you spot the eyeball shooter I got from you in the photo?
I was gonna do this - just didnt get around to it... there's a thread around here somewhere.. To be honest, the take up was limited to just a few... :(
I was looking at quilted ones that would protect both when stood there, and to allow some added protection when moving (for example transporting something to a show etc)...
Theres no point in protecting the art work from the sun (which is my need) if the headwork art is still going to fade. Its only a few extra stitches im sure. Yeah nice eyeball lol. I sold my ss to help fund afm. I have a 90% finished topper too. image.jpg
Same here, 4 please. Backbox hoods too if you end up sorting these, otherwise happy with just the cab ones. Cheers.
OK so looks like there might be interest for about 17 of these which is good. I'll try and go tomorrow and see how much material will be needed and then work out an exact price, including for hoods, and then I'll be back to ask for firm orders. It's going to be a few weeks before they are made though, but seeing as the word cup is on Mrs Mfresh should have lots of time to get to work while the boys man the telly...
We are all systems go for these pinball covers. As mentioned they are home made but you can see from the photo that they do the job fine. They attach to the pinball machine with high quality magnets. They will be supplied with a small hole snipped into the cloth where the plunger handle pokes through, and that can easily be enlarged with a pair of scissors to accomodate machines with gun and fishing rod style launchers. The hole is not stiched around like a button hole as this takes too much work - same as my ones, which haven't frayed over the past two years. The material is actually dark navy blue, not black as in the picture.

Pro version: £22.50 each, fitted with two high quality neodymium magnet fasteners

Premium version £25 each - same as Pro version, but with two extra magnets at the bottom that attach to the rear legs to ensure the material hangs better at the bottom. Not really necessary but better than not having them.

LE version £200 each. As Premium, but signed by my wife. A complete ripoff and only recommended if you have more money than sense.

Hoods: £15. These are like giant fitted pillowcases that fit over the head. They dont have a plastic clear window on the front. Seems expensive but the cutting and sewing is almost the same as for the covers - sorry about that.

Postage: flat rate of £4 per order unless you are ordering vast quantities

If you would like to order, please PM me with the following:
Number of Pro covers you want. IMPORTANT: if any are for wide body machines then please let me know. If not it will be assumed that they are standard body machines

Number of Premium covers - as above widebody blah blah blah

Number of hoods - - as above widebody blah blah blah.

If you order them then I will send an IM back confirming. At that point they will be made over the coming days (weeks?) so I'll take it that you are committed to buying them.

I'll then contact you when they are ready for dispatch to take payment by paypal.

Thanks for your interest, and please do remember that this is raising money for my son to to go work in an ophange not a business (although I do seem to be doing half the work - bloody teenagers...) He will be doing most of the cutting and packaging etc so if things are a bit slower than anticipated I apologise in advance.

Having said that I'll do my absolute best to ensure that it all goes smoothly and the covers do the job...

Paul R
I guess you mean back box covers as well as cabinet covers? Her indoors and my son are making a couple of back box covers but they are a bugger to make so they fit right . So they want to keep the number they make to a minimum.
I guess you mean back box covers as well as cabinet covers? Her indoors and my son are making a couple of back box covers but they are a bugger to make so they fit right . So they want to keep the number they make to a minimum.

Yes, that's right. I'll have two sets please. :)
I'll add you to the end of the order list Rus121. It's taking time but the first batch should be ready to send out later this week. Once we run out of material that will be the end of the project.
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