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Gorbies Garage YouTube channel


Site Supporter
Jul 21, 2011
Hey folks
Thanks for all your positive comments regarding episode one. I kept it accessible via link only from pinballinfo and I was delighted that over a hundred of you took the time and trouble to watch it. I appreciate it was terrible quality both in video quality and production!!

Episode 2, I am pleased to announce, also has that same ****e production value and video quality (albeit slightly better at 340p!!) I’m still working on that but ultimately it will require more current IT equipment and right now the kids need new shoes!!

This video drags on a bit and will teach most of you to suck eggs. So please take it as intended, advice for noobs.

I’ve released this one into the wilds of YouTube. I’d be very grateful if you’d give me a like and a sub to help the channel gather momentum. Content will feature gameplay, shop logs and pickups as and when they happen. And will probably be updated once a month or so.

Each time I upload new content I will post a link here.

So get yo geek on and nerd out to solder suckers and carnuba wax on this rip roaring adventure ride of a video!!

Thanks for watching guys.


Nice one Gaz - some good ideas for some new tools for me thank you so much - keep it up. look fwd to the next one!!!
Realised I need a magnet on a stick and the circlip tools - those buggers have been pinging around my head too many times.
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