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Judge Dreads

Site Supporter
Jul 21, 2011
Y Felinheli
Apart from my Who Dunnit? (not a bad game just not my cup of tea) I sort of regret selling the other machines, some shifted due to space issues, others as I fancied a change / thought it would be good to thin my collection, (something quite liberating about getting rid of possessions ) now I feel like playing these titles again and wished I had placed them in storage rather than sold. (did place my BSD in a friends venue but it did not work out...not the pins fault)

Currently debating parting with my JD as I have not bonded with it but wonder if in time if I will feel the same as with the other titles.

Be interesting to know what titles you are glad you shifted & happy never to play again or is the door never completely closed on a machine? (SCTOMA will have the TOM top of the list I’m sure)
Gilligans Island, is top of my list, closely followed by Hurricane , as for the table I miss the most I would have to say Scared Stiff.
I would keep them all if i had the room. Seriously. I will be shaking up the lineup very soon, but it means i will have to get rid of a few of my favs. I will be gutted, but the anticipation of new games will outweigh the horrid feeling of losing the others......
Glad I shifted ....

Theatre Of Tragic <surprise !> - every time I have played it since I remember why I got shot, i just find it dull dull dull

Demo Man - game I had the shortest length of time, 2 weeks I think. No urge to ever have another.

Pins I miss but prob wouldn't have again....

Indy 500 - good fun game, but really needs a proper wizard mode to keep the interest up.

Tales From The Crypt - one of the best DE games

Frankenstein - cool sega game, but ugly as hell :confused:

Family Guy - couldn't afford now :eek:, and if I could prob try something else

Bunch of others too, after all most pins are fun.

Pin I miss most and would consider having again ....

Popeye - yes seriously
GrizZ' date=' post: 1678022 said:
Pin I miss most and would consider having again ....

Popeye - yes seriously

Lucky you will always be able to pick one of these up NIB for £500
Once you get into Popeye there is actually a good game lurking - its main flaw is that to a new player its really unclear as to what the hell is going on.

Long may it remain misunderstood and relatively cheap
i really should shut up about it .......its my little secret :oops:
Only just got my DM working after owning for a year (different location etc) love the playfield layout, before you switch it on it looks like you are in for a good time, not worked out how good/crap it is yet. I think with a few of these widebody pins, there seems a lot of unnecessary pf space (1st impression), think Will or someone posted a link on the group which showed a totally revamped rule set / sound roms (similar to the BOP one out there) maybe that's what is needed to get the DM firing on all 4 cylinders or maybe even that won't make it desirable :confused:.

I did hear someone in the past tell me it was their favourite pin and there were too many snobs out there with poor opinions about the title, on the plus side if DM is your favourite, it will not break the bank to own and you can sell it safe in the knowledge that you can replace it any day of the week for pretty much the same money.
Dreads' date=' post: 1678025 said:
Only just got my DM working after owning for a year (different location etc) love the playfield layout, before you switch it on it looks like you are in for a good time, not worked out how good/crap it is yet. I think with a few of these widebody pins, there seems a lot of unnecessary pf space (1st impression), think Will or someone posted a link on the group which showed a totally revamped rule set / sound roms (similar to the BOP one out there) maybe that's what is needed to get the DM firing on all 4 cylinders or maybe even that won't make it desirable :confused:.

I did hear someone in the past tell me it was their favourite pin and there were too many snobs out there with poor opinions about the title, on the plus side if DM is your favourite, it will not break the bank to own and you can sell it safe in the knowledge that you can replace it any day of the week for pretty much the same money.

Nail on the head ! You look at DM with all those ramps, loops etc and think ...how can this NOT be good fun. But I just found it wasn't. I think the ruleset is chiefly to blame - really felt like just a bunch of multiball modes. Oh and the deathly dull music plodding along injecting little excitement into proceedings.

Of course some people love it ! Dave Roberts down here was always raving about it.

Standard body game forced into a widebody. Had nothing but problems with the cannons and the theme totally put me off.
I actually really rate DM. Picked one up last year and it still gets loads of play. Yes, it's not very deep but it flows really well. Far prefer it to a lot of other titles. It's currently sitting next to an IJ and I know which one is going to still be here at the end of next year......
jonathan' date=' post: 1678041 said:

Standard body game forced into a widebody. Had nothing but problems with the cannons and the theme totally put me off.

I miss my STTNG but it is deffo another one with too much free pf space, I think RS, JD and TZ utilise the space better (RS has one pointless flipper on it, seems like an afterthought to cram as much as possible onto the pf)

Still have the foot marks in the concrete after the sttng was hoisted out.... that is one heavy brute.
Ij too, had it 6 weeks and moved it on. Didn't like the shots or all the free space at the back of the pf. Traded it for a TOTAN and get loads more play out of that!
IJ has some nice features but the artwork reminds me of a bad GCSE project, especially the SS officer and Harrison Fords eyes being on different levels, only had it since July and crossing my fingers it will grow on me
My Jurassic Park is the one machine I regret selling - I loved it. I will own another one day I am sure.
GrizZ' date=' post: 1678022 said:
Frankenstein - cool sega game, but ugly as hell :confused:

We always hear about the good the bad but never the ugly, maybe you should post a new topic:

UGLY PIN AWARD ..... roll up, roll up
johnwhitfield' date=' post: 1678049 said:
IJ has some nice features but the artwork reminds me of a bad GCSE project, especially the SS officer and Harrison Fords eyes being on different levels, only had it since July and crossing my fingers it will grow on me

IJ is up there with the best IMO.............give it a good run for the money before you shift...........SUPER JACKPOT

It's like cornflakes, you don't realise how good it is until you have break and come back to it.
Dreads' date=' post: 1678053 said:
IJ is up there with the best IMO.............give it a good run for the money before you shift...........SUPER JACKPOT

It's like cornflakes, you don't realise how good it is until you have break and come back to it.

Got to agree with IJ. Took a while to suss out the modes and POA scoring. Really ****ed me off the first week i got it. Just seemed too damn hard for me. Fast forward a couple of months and i can now play it as i choose. Lots of ways to play the game makes it a belter. I play IJ and NF on a daily basis now.....
I haven't had cornflakes for years. I don't remember them tasting too great but maybe I really have forgotten....

Oh and the ugly pin award surely goes to X Files. I can't belive there is uglier out there.
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