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Found it! Ghostbusters


Staff member
Oct 5, 2012
South Wales
Toying with an idea to pick up one of these (if any are available!)... Not in any hurry, however just gaging what's out there and how much it'll cost me...

Anyone looking to sell sometime over the coming few months?

Paul, how do you manage to run a forum where over the last few months there have been **** loads of "For Sale" threads for Ghostbusters but still somehow end up on missing on one?!?:rolleyes: What hope is there for newbies?
Depends on which one it is etc etc there's three different variants.... Last ones on here went for £4.5k ish
Depends on which one it is etc etc there's three different variants.... Last ones on here went for £4.5k ish
Which version is your preference? I couldn't play the PREM at NLP due to the overzealous tilt bob - sneeze and you're done for! Pro seemed fun, but infuriating.
If you have the choice then the premium is the one to get but I wouldn't pay a lot more for it.
to be fair would prefer the Premium, however it does really all depend on the price!

I played the LE when i was in the USA and enjoyed it, however that was old code...
Would love to see the little hologram thing working , but again only having seen the pro i have yet to see the premium or the Le the pro is well loaded and plays great ...
It's a nice feature but it's garnish from a gameplay point of view.

First time someone see it - oh that's cool - then never mentioned again! It's just not used enough for anything. Some of the animations are funny, especially the driving one! But repetitive.

It's the same idea as all the animations in RFM you look at the tunnel (thru a clear screen suspended above in you line of sight) ghost appears in tunnel and you shoot it with a ball, queue a squish animation or whatever. Pretty simple but does work very well but not sure it's worth £1500 or whatever extra although you do get the subway ramp that goes under the playfield and back up again which again is cool but not really worth the investment in my book.

Ghostbusters seems a really good game though from the few game I had at expo..
Don't forget the premium also has the magna slings.

Agree that the premium's extra features on this or any Stern don't seem worth the extra £'s but the important thing to bear in mind is when it comes to resale will they still hold the extra value? If they do then I'd go premium.
I've played both versions fantastic cab art and think its a great game. I was a little underwhelmed with the magna slings, I couldn't wait to try them out sadly imo the idea is great but unless the ball hits them directly they were disappointing. Quite often if the ball was travelling more or less vertically it gave it a nice push down the middle!!:eek::oops: Pro all the way for me, maybe someday :thumbs:
I think a lot of stuff on Premium and LE's is just crazy cr@p they felt obliged to add because of the extra cost. They rarely add much to the gameplay.

It is about time they knocked the different versions on the head.By all means make an LE and Premium with different artwork but the core game should be the same.
For me the reason I went for the premium is because JT said that how he designed the game. The PKE ramp is great and a hard and risky shot but pays off later in the game. I like the subway too but overall agree there isn't much in it (I've got a premium).

One thing for sure though - it's a fantastic game and the presentation of art, sound and gameplay is hard to beat - just fix the code 1.10 and good to go. Had a party at the weekend and all people wanted to play was ghostbusters.

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Magna slings are fun but i've had a couple of SDTM with them, but they've also redirected the ball in a nice way!
Now you bunch of old gossips have finished gassing on about the machine and how good/Bad it is... anyone got one for sale?? :rofl:
Everyone raving about Ghostbusters is making me want to sit tight a while longer and save a little extra to get one. Dream theme for sure, hadn't realised the game was so well thought of
Hi mate yes I did sell it a while back now. Sorry

Everyone raving about Ghostbusters is making me want to sit tight a while longer and save a little extra to get one. Dream theme for sure, hadn't realised the game was so well thought of
by some, yes. by others, not. it didn't do anything for me.
like all games, i recommend you play it first before making your own mind up. theme alone isn't enough.
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