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Getting Rid of Stuff


Staff member
Oct 5, 2012
South Wales
Thought i would throw this in here as it applys (maybe in slightly different ways) to both pinball and non-pinball.

So we all know space is finite (for most!).
What mental questions do you ask yourself if you want to have a clear out?

I tend to like to work on the principal that "if i havent used it for 6 months then it's not needed".... however in practice its difficult since lots of stuff is near-on unobtanium any more.

Would be interested in people thoughts and the drivers behind any thought processes :)

Edit : also, what routes do YOU use to get rid of stuff, and how long before you give up stuff you have advertised and no-one has bitten? (Mainly non-pinball, since anything pin-like would possibly end up on Ebay/here) :D
Problem i have in this hobby and the arcade side .. Probably doesnt make much sense but Im sort of a minimalist i dont like to keep alot of stuff atall even things like clothes or things that go on display even pictures they do my head in looking at them after so long.. When i think about it maybe i have some sort of OCD i dont know.
The hobby is so hard for me as like a few of you know i havent been too well lately and stress can make me worse and having lots of machines or parts about no matter how much i want to keep them it kills me.. I cant mentally deal with with looking at them i like having space so really this isnt the right hobby for me 🤣
Like you say though if something hasnt been touched for so long maybe its time to move it on?
I get everyones different and some guys hoard machines but me personally i dont see the point when theres people out there desperate to restore or play them.
In the past i ended up with that many arcade games/parts and machines it made me ill to the point i would walk in the room and walk back out ... even losing sleep on what to do.. I moved them all on and felt alot better.. now i try not to keep as many
Less is sometimes more for example when i started out i had 1 jamma cab and played it all the time the more i got the less i played 🤔
End of the day we cant take all this stuff with us
(Sorry if this wasnt even on topic)
"if i havent used it for 6 months then it's not needed".
Throw out the Xmas decorations, winter clothes and suitcase, haven't used them in 6 months 😄. A 12 month rule might be better.

All comes down to space for me, and keeping that space relatively tidy. A loft is great but I try not to put anything up there that I don't plan on bringing back down at some point. I had a big tidy up over Xmas and it felt good.
I thought the principle was, if you haven't used it for 12 months - donate it to the Swavesey Raffle
Hire a skip and just start going through stuff room by room. In the beginning you'll be thinking for ages about what to keep and what to toss, but once you get going it'll fill in no time. Towards the end it becomes like some sort of tetris challenge to balance at least twice as much stuff as its capacity will reasonably hold in it, and to get the driver to actually agree to take it away.
Hoard at all costs, you never know when you might need it and then when you do need it, you can never find it (then you buy another and find it a few months later)

'Hoard it at all costs' works for so long... BUT, after a certain amount of years ( i reckon ~20!) when you want to move house, things become 'problematic' lol!!
I usually have a bit of a clear out when I want to buy something significant; good way to sell stuff you aren't using and I find it easy to tell myself "I want this one new thing more than all this other stuff I've not used in ages"

With me it's always selling (old) vedeogames and guitar pedals I'm not using and I often use ebay/gumtree, although giving FB marketplace a go here and there.
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