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Getting Good - Pin League Difficulty


Site Supporter
Dec 29, 2017
Hi all,

So since getting into the hobby I have wanted to play as many games as possible and also get into the league scene, for me this is the midlands league. So my main issue with this is, well, I have one game - NF, and I don't have any other pins near me to practice on. Out of interest a few things if people can comment, give pointers on etc.

1. What are the meets like? I understand just dive in, but is it competitive, how does it work?

2. Is NF a good pin to try and get good at? Where does it sit on the difficulty level, I don't want to get to a meet and just SDTM everything.

3. Any advice I should take, consider, etc. before considering it?
1. The meets are friendly and informal. If you’ve been watching videos of American competitions they are nothing like that. Yes there are some VERY good players but there is zero belittling of less talented players. Quite the opposite really. New players are encouraged and helped. Don’t be shy, jump in.

2. NF is as good as any pin to practice on. Ball control and accuracy is the same on all pins.
You might struggle on the rules on games you haven’t played. You could always download Pinball Arcade and practice on that. It isn’t the same as playing for real but does give you a feel for the rules in games.

3. The only advice is, what are you waiting for ? Dive into, have fun and meet new friends with similar interests. You will love it.
1. Not competitive. People come to have fun more than anything. Of course everyone likes to do well but win or lose everyone keeps a smile on their face.
2. NF is a difficult game imho. It isn't for nothing that its nicknsme is No Fun. But don't worry: you get a couple of hours practice before the comp starts. That usually gives you time to play all games at least once.
3. Some people like to learn the games on simulators. That gives them an idea on what to do. Some others make sure they play the game with someone who knows the rules. Some just play for fun.

My advice: come round to next one and judge it for yourself. The Midlands league is very friendly. I joined several years ago now. Not had many chances to come lately but I know that when I come back I will be felt welcome as I was the first time I went go one. And many folks are on here too.
i joined northern league this year. been to two meets. can’t recommend it highly enough. its an opportunity to socialise with like minded pin heads play loads of games you’ll never otherwise play and oh yes there is a competition side but that is not MY main reason for going. just dive in and you’ll have a great time

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The next Midlands meeting is at my house, come along. 18 March near Newark. There will be 12 games on parade from late 70s Bally solid state classics to 2017 Dialed in. I have just moved them into my new shed so am going through them all now to make sure they are playing sweetly and have sensible tilt settings.

£5 for lunch, non alcoholic drinks, 2h practice and about 3h competitive play. Everyone gets one scored game per machine in the tournament, write down your score on a piece of paper. No-one gets knocked out. From primary school kids to retired folk. All the scores go into @Wayne J 's spreadsheet and that determines where you finish.
What everybody else said, get to a league meet, get involved and have fun. You will improve by watching others and start learning rules to games.

As for No Fear being a good game to practice on and become good, it's literally the perfect game. Whether it's fun or not......

Hi all,

So since getting into the hobby I have wanted to play as many games as possible and also get into the league scene, for me this is the midlands league. So my main issue with this is, well, I have one game - NF, and I don't have any other pins near me to practice on. Out of interest a few things if people can comment, give pointers on etc.

1. What are the meets like? I understand just dive in, but is it competitive, how does it work?

2. Is NF a good pin to try and get good at? Where does it sit on the difficulty level, I don't want to get to a meet and just SDTM everything.

3. Any advice I should take, consider, etc. before considering it?

The meetings are generally very welcoming and open to all skill levels. Some people are competitive, but just as many go for the social aspect alone.
It's a great chance to meet other people with the same interest in pinball, gain knowledge of repairs, make contacts for when you want to buy/sell a game or just generally find out what's going on in and around you.
Norwich would be at the very extreme of our range of meetings, but you are more than welcome to come to any/all of them, as well as any other regions (although only one region will count for competitive play).
One of my first pins was NF, it can be fast and brutal. Not everyone who attends the meetings has a pinball machine of their own - so you've already got a headstart on them.

The only advice needed to be given, is remember that you'll be visiting and playing someone's private collection so just treat them as you would treat your own. There will also likely be partners and children so don't act like a tw@t, but then again that should be a given for just acting as a decent human being anyway.

If you pm me your email address I'll add you to the mailing list for the Midlands.


Echo what everyone else has said - I can vouch for the midlands lot too, I've been playing in the midlands league for around 7 seasons I think! As you said in your original post, since starting the hobby you've wanted to play as many games as possible, and this is the perfect opportunity to do so. Hope to see you at a meet sometime soon. (Sorry @DRD I can't make your meet, we're on holiday).

I'd also recommend checking out the upcoming tournaments in the UK, as again, yes there is a competition going on but it's also a great opportunity to play a wide variety of machines and get to know some more pinball folk. At some tournaments there is also a large selection of machines just on free play to play outside of the competition. There's a diary on the pinball news website if you're interested.

I love No Fear - as others have said it can be brutal, some games you feel like all you've done is hit every black post on the playfield! But when you manage several consecutive 'jumps' or get to meet your maker it feels very rewarding. Also Steve Ritchie as the skull is one of the best call out voices in pinball, in my opinion!
@Adajam4 : In addition to @DRD's meet in his splendid new shed, you are welcome to come to the London & SE league meet at my place in High Wycombe on Sunday 11th March.

There may not be as much tea as at a Midlands meet but there will be 12 games to play, as well as pizza, beer, and possibly also Elvis impersonators. Not to mention the Earthshaker that used to belong to @DRD. It's a very small world this pinball world, and it won't take long before you know everyone...
Practise practise! No fear is a great game to learn on - look at the papa videos for pinball skills, hardest thing I learned is don’t always flip sometimes let the ball bounce...

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Oh other thing. Don’t feel pressured. Face it you aren’t going to be the best and relax - you will play much better enjoy playing and don’t get stressed. So many folks that over stress and end up paying badly...

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Don't worry about being 'good enough' just head along, I've been to loads of league meets and I'm rubbish! I never really worried about the place I get on the results sheet.
For me its more of a social thing, go along, meet some great people, have a chat and a beer and if there is time play a few games.
The London and SE Leagues are the one thing I miss having moved from London, I need to get myself to the SW League soon, but I haven't had the time in the last year :(
Yeah, I'd echo what everyone else has said. Go along and you'll have great fun.

I started in the Midlands league a couple of years ago, and I was really anxious about going for the same reasons, I'm not a great player but I enjoy playing, and I was going to a stranger's house to play pinball with people I'd never met before.

Now i drag the wife and kids along to the league meets and we all look forward to it. I'm still not a great player, but now the kids are there I usually don't come last... :rofl:
Like others have said, just go and you'll find it all out. I didn't even know the meets existed until last year!
Not everyone is competitive, and getting to try out different machines will only make you better if you try.
I know I've been getting better from going to the northern meets, and its just really great to see and play other peoples collections
just one other factor to consider, watching people is really useful; practising with what you've seen doubly useful.

Figure out with the game that you've got how to practise some of the key skills like dead bounce, drop catch, live catch. One thing that AFMR has been great for me is the shot out of the SOL hole really gives you a great way to test catching and the fan layout very good for flipper passing. On Papa's Youtube channel they have a lot of the key shots as videos to help you. You can also now get pinball 101 (by Keith Elwin) via Pinball Arcade and its a really useful video for learning how to think about a game.
I have recently started playing a bit more competitively having joined the awesome flip out in Croydon. I was lucky enough to see a lot of the top players playing in 2 tournaments and they were so helpful, with tips and demonstrating shots etc.
I also took part and found that when I played the first two rounds I choked totally even though I knew I was not going to get anywhere, my play was way below my usual ability, I then took another go, and managed to relax myself and just enjoy, and moved from 26 to 15 place, later moving down a few more places.
I am hoping that from now on I will try to play my natural game, but the help people will give you at the events is excellent and great fun
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