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Game Room Tour video


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Jul 21, 2011
Hey Guys and Gals

I’ve decided to throw myself to the wolves!!
Something I’ve considered doing for a while but lacked the confidence and time to do. I don’t have the equipment (IT wise) or the tech know how so have always put it off.

I filmed it initially on my new Sony 4K video camera, however my antiquated laptop couldn’t handle the file size and it was becoming too difficult. So I re shot it on my iPhone and edited it with the stock “i movie” app which even I managed to start to get to grips with. However the video was 50 mins long and I couldn’t export the bloody thing from the app on to my phone or iPad due to not having enough storage space. So in an effort to export it, I used air drop. However this forced me to reduce the file size to 350mb!! So as you can imagine the quality is awful. Not dissimilar to a 90’s mobile phone video!! However I’ve decided to share this version with you as “beta testers” if you like.

The video should only be accessed via the link here and should’nt be searchable on YouTube.

If you like it, I’ll make a concerted effort to upload it in HD and re upload it. I may then try and make a go of a channel. Focusing on game play vids, quest for scores, shop logs, repair logs etc...
I can’t commit to regular content and it would be on a adhoc basis.

I dunno, what do you reckon. Is the niche pinball scene saturated with channels/podcasts and videos?

It takes a couple of vids to get used to the face and personality. I remember watching Johns Arcade and SDTM for the first time. You’re judging them, getting to know them in a way. You either relate to the content and enjoy it, or they get on your tits and you never watch them again.

If you don’t like it.... well I tried!! Better to have tried and failed than never tried at all.

I really enjoy watching Alex (Nintendo Arcade) game room tour vids. Funnily enough, it’s something I always thought would be a good idea and may even chat to Alex about doing my own series focusing on the Pinball scene. I’d hate to step on his toes on this.

Come on... we all love a nose round someone’s game room. No matter how big or small, I think we can all appreciate the efforts others have gone to.

Is it something you’d like to see?

So once again. Excuse the awful quality, it’s just to test the water. And finally. I KNOW I’m not going to set the world on fire with my screen presence and editing skills. So please... be gentle.

My initial thoughts are perhaps I put too much emhasis on this forum, thus losing appeal to anyone outside of this community.

As Taxi is my fave game, I’ve rather imaginatively called the series “Gorbies Garage”

If searching, please search gorbies garage and not Gorbies gay rage. It throws up a whole different set of results!!!

Let me know your thoughts

Thanks guys

I started to watch but its getting a bit late so will pick up on it tomorrow! I love watching gameroom videos and its a great collection that you have, love that funhouse! Great to be able to put a face to a name as well, i’ll look forward to seeing more
Thanks for the comments mate. Yeah I uploaded it a bit late to hit the evening crowd.
Watched it late last night from a hotel room in Southampton... kudos for literally and metaphorically putting yourself on a pedestal.

I had odd feelings of desire for your Wh20, Whirlwind and Taxi... and a lovely space you have there.
Nice vid, made me smile with the techie, show the images, liked the stories behind the machines I am always a sucker for these find them fascinating,

giphy (6).gif

Nice one Gaz - you nailed all the requirements for one of these ........... showing loads of lovely pinball, talking loads of pinball, and most importantly having some complete pinball gonk presenting it :thumbs:;) Would a non pinhead sit through this .....NO ! ....so result ! On to Episode 2 dude :clap:

2 things I will mention ......

1.Thanks for keeping my Funhouse nice and safe.
2.I got Vacation Jackpot the other day. I don't bother keeping count how many times now :D
Great watch, love the stories. I've always wondered how I would react when travelling a good distance to find a machine not as described, I've only collected a few times and always been happy. Great collection and cave.
My favourite line in that video "bit of a dull sounding tw*t" :rofl:

Really, really enjoyed watching that mate :thumbs: Cool stories and good to see Whirlwind still going strong....thanks for the shout out too :D

I remember going to see that WH2O and being proper p*ssed off that I'd wasted a day off work and the van hire. Glad to see it cleaned up ok in the end!
My favourite line in that video "bit of a dull sounding tw*t" :rofl:

Really, really enjoyed watching that mate :thumbs: Cool stories and good to see Whirlwind still going strong....thanks for the shout out too :D

I remember going to see that WH2O and being proper p*ssed off that I'd wasted a day off work and the van hire. Glad to see it cleaned up ok in the end!

I think that was nearly my Whirly. I stupidly turned it down before you Chris :rolleyes: Thought it was too expensive at the time :rofl: Doh - that'll teach me ... cheap b*stard
My favourite line in that video "bit of a dull sounding tw*t" :rofl:

Really, really enjoyed watching that mate :thumbs: Cool stories and good to see Whirlwind still going strong....thanks for the shout out too :D

I remember going to see that WH2O and being proper p*ssed off that I'd wasted a day off work and the van hire. Glad to see it cleaned up ok in the end!

:rofl: Thanks mate. Glad you enjoyed it. Yeah that WH20 was a bit of a dirt bag but it came good in the end.
Just goes to show as well, I chipped him a grand off the asking price...... and got it:clap:

Don’t be afraid to haggle peeps. Except when you’re buying off me... then you should probably just cough up:p
You did a lot better than me. I tried making a video of me installing a colour DMD and watched it back and was horrified by my awkwardness in front of the camera. Needless to say I'll be keeping my day job!
You did a lot better than me. I tried making a video of me installing a colour DMD and watched it back and was horrified by my awkwardness in front of the camera. Needless to say I'll be keeping my day job!

Thanks Kenny. Yeah I re shot the intro at least 3-4 times because I sounded such a nob, I was even boring myself. In the end I just thought sod it and hit send!!!

I’d like to have a proper little intro tune, perhaps remixing the Taxi music with a little bit of Gorbie “Hey” thrown in for good measure but that’s out of my skill set. So if anyone wants to take that on for me...........;)

I need to sort out my editing conundrum. For some reason when I use windows movie maker it won’t show the video on the left screen. Just black and no audio.

Thanks for all the positive comments so far though guys, it’s nice to hear.
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