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Fish Tails Switch Matrix Issue


Site Supporter
Jun 12, 2016
I'm getting switch issues on Fish Tails;

One of the reel optos was opening and closing when I'd raise the playfield up and down, now its off most of the time but has been on intermittently.

Trough 2 switch would not work when playfield was in lowered position but would when the playfield was raised and rested on the front of the cabinet.

I replaced the trough switch with the game turned off and now all column 1 switches are not working, during the switch replacement I did see a spark between trough 1 and trough 2 switches must have caused a short when using ratchet driver though the game powered off but plugged into wall socket.

If I test switch matrix at the CPU board with a jumper lead I have observed no col 1 switches are closing with the exception of row 4 which opens the always closed switch at col 2 row 4 (the next column?), I have tested this multiple times I'm not touching col 2 with jumper lead.

Any suggestions on next steps, I do have a Funhouse so was thinking about trying its CPU board, ribbon cables etc? Do I just need to replace the one ROM chip on CPU boards?

Chris sounds like one of the ULN's may have popped on the cpu board! Yes just the one game rom to swap over. I have some spare chips and could remove the old one should it not be in a socket if needs be?

Thanks Ronnie for info and the offer to remove the faulty chip its much appreciated. I've removed a few components with my trusty sucker and only stripped one plated through hole lol, mainly burnt out pins though, those chips look like Premier League stuff plus I believe the cpu board traces are pretty fragile.

Since I still need to pick up that Jukebox board lets organise a time that suits you?

In the meantime I'll pop in the Funhouse cpu board tonight so I can keep flipping.

No worries Chris, I find it easier to cut the ic pins then remove one by one that way trace damage is unlikely.

I'm about most days so see how you go and let me know

I guess we need to narrow it down to which IC by which row or column is at fault
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