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exchange Theatre of magic with pirates of the Caribbean


Dec 30, 2018
I have a suggestion to exchange theatre of magic, with pirates of Caribbean ( 2007)
what is your opinion?
So many variables depending on condition on both but imo if you're happy with the deal then do it, you can argue pro and con for both machines but if 2 guys want to trade then what's to worry about? Some will say both are same value others will say TOM is worth more or less depending on where in the UK they're from!
In the UK this would not be a smart trade, if both were in roughly same condition.


No idea!
thank you for the answers. I do not care about the issue of value, I'm interested if the pirates are more fun in the game
Pirates is the better game but.....

In the U.K. you could sell TOM. Buy POTC and still have enough money for another cheap game
I'm interested in playing more fun. pirates are fresher, but they are even deeper rules?
As has been said. In the U.K., it wouldn’t make financial sense to straight trade. However if you prefer POTC and you’re both happy, go nuts ?
Which game do you already have, and which do you want? It's not 100% clear.

Photos of your machine will help anyone who may be interested.

You are very far from the UK, so many here will approach with caution due to the logistics involved.

Good luck with your search.
Like for like condition PotC is a far superior machine IMHO, I just don't understand the love for ToM. It's boring and one dimensional.
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