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EU Referendum - Vote Today

I think in the short term once the vultures in the currency and shares market move on the UK will be a prosperous place and away from an outdated common market.

Watch the EU crumble now, France? Germany? Netherlands? Who's next to follow suit?

Makes me giggle...
They are saying "the dollar has crashed to £1 = $1.38". That of course would be down from the inflated figures of yesterday ($1.50) - However what is missed is that it was as low as this last month.... so nothing changes...
Is that right? The Independent are saying it's now 1.35 and that that is the lowest it's been since 1985.
Yeah it will climb back up. Markets always react badly to news. Just wait until america opens..
Makes me giggle...
They are saying "the dollar has crashed to £1 = $1.38". That of course would be down from the inflated figures of yesterday ($1.50) - However what is missed is that it was as low as this last month.... so nothing changes...

:) Just before it started around 10pm they were fiddling!
Brexit football chants.

Here we go, here we go, here we go....................

Cheerio, cheerio, cheeriooooooooooooooooooo ......................

We'll do what we want, we'll do want, we are the brits and we'll do want we want..................
Should of settled my bar bill last night... on holiday in Greece.
I doubt this will be a short term disaster. The ERM collapse catalysed a golden period in the uk economy when the government ran surpluses and reduced national debt. Before Gordon Brown worked his magic

There is a risk that the eu will try to punish the uk. But that would hurt the eu countries at a time when Southern Europe is really struggling

Poles in the uk will lose their jobs, so the Polish govt will not like this
The german car industry sells 20 per cent of its output to the uk, so the powerful auto lobby will not like this
If the uk economy goes down, Ireland will face a deep, deep recession. Ireland will be very worried right now
The northern countries that want out themselves (holland, scandanavia) will have half an eye on their own future plans
The french farmers will bring france to a halt if their ability to export food to the uk is impeded

25 years ago it was obvious that monetary union without fiscal union would never work. It is hard to jump off a sinking ship, as there are risks. But better to get out now, than get deeper into a mess that will melt down horribly as wealthy germans will not subsidise greece, portugal ... It will not support Spain or Italy either. The EU really could go horribly wrong in the future

Up yours delors
Time for Frexit

Allons enfants de la Patrie ...

Quoi ces cohortes étrangères!
Feraient la loi dans nos foyers!
Time for Frexit

Frexit won't be so easy, if only for the Euro currency here. Lawyers will argue for years to decide whether the French debt should converted or not into the new French currency (which will be worthless the day after). Add to that the fact that France has no alternative market and no commonwealth and you can imagine why we have little choice. Does not mean we won't leave eventually, just that it will be far more painful here.
You are right. The euro is a major barrier. Establishing a new currency is a major issue. France is no Greece thank God, but the Greeks could not escape and default because they do not control their currency.
Our président is not stupid, he Will never ask us If we want to stay or not in the EU.

Now maybe, some irish and some scotish Will wonder If they want to stay or not in the UK...

But maybe EU may thank Britishs and should take some good décisions for the future.
Anyone who thinks that leaving the EU will be good for freedom is deluded in IMHO. I'm not a Tory but I recognise Cameron as a 'moderate' - the status quo that was voted against is about to move further to the right. Gove for PM ? God help the underpaid. The European committee will ensure that there is pain. They don't want it to look easy to leave.
This time in two years ya strawberries are gonna be more expensive if we aren't prepared to let migrants come in and pick them them for next to nothing.
Enjoy the freedom - the grass will not be greener.

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I do not wish to contradict but some of the strongest votes for leave came from traditionAlly left wing labour heartlands. Sunderland. Doncaster, Wales. Former colliery towns. The disenfranchisement felt is very, very widespread.

Labour was petrified of a repeat of the Scottish referendum where sharing platforms with tories led to a wipe out

But large working class communities (like mine in post colliery nottinghamshire) supported out by 60 per cent

The strongest leave in the whole country was Boston in Lincs. A place where migration is particularly prevalent.
Anyone who thinks that leaving the EU will be good for freedom is deluded in IMHO. I'm not a Tory but I recognise Cameron as a 'moderate' - the status quo that was voted against is about to move further to the right. Gove for PM ? God help the underpaid. The European committee will ensure that there is pain. They don't want it to look easy to leave.
This time in two years ya strawberries are gonna be more expensive if we aren't prepared to let migrants come in and pick them them for next to nothing.
Enjoy the freedom - the grass will not be greener.

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I suspect nothing will happen with regards immigration levels to be honest - none of the Brexit politicians committed to specific numbers, and no doubt our new leaders will excel at hitting those absent targets (it's an impossible mission as you suggest - balancing populist ideals on immigration versus actual employer needs).

But the dismantling of the rights bestowed upon us by the EU (e.g. workers rights) - those will undoubtedly be in the cross-hairs of an uninhibited new Tory leadership made up of the furthest right of the Tory party. I do think some people voted with thought-through and intelligent conviction, but the vast majority were swayed by populist scare-mongering (did anyone see The Sun and Daily Mail front pages yesterday?!) and a complete failure of the remain campaign to do anything other than push the majority of an already ****ed-off electorate over the edge.
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Whilst I'm certainly not accusing any of you fine fellows, I think there was a remarkable level of ignorance by the vast majority of voters going to the polls.

And it is quite a stageringly complex area to understand, and then weigh up the pro's and con's of each side. Doubly so if you actually have to do your own research to find (to the best ability) unbiased facts.

That's the situation I've been in for the last month or more before carefully considering my vote. So it does pain me to see so many people that just voted because they don't like immigrants, or have some misconception of the situation based on the headlines they saw in The Sun every week. Even my own family took this view that 'you can't trust the experts' which still completely confounds me

Anyway, too late to change anything now, and I'm quite pessimistic about the future based on my understanding. Over the next couple of years we basically have to trust our Government to rewrite the law from scratch, without any particular oversight. Then we have to make a new trade deal with the EU (best estimates seem to be around the 10 year mark), and THEN, we can start to make new trade deals to replace the 50+ that we will have lost from leaving the EU. And on that, the consensus opinion seems to be that until we have an EU trade deal, it's difficult to negotiate other deals

Hmm, onwards and upwards?
This time in two years ya strawberries are gonna be more expensive
but at least i will have a choice to buy or not .
might have to miss wimbledon;)
and i wont have euro rules thrust on me
by eurocrats i could not vote out
also when was the last time they had there books audited:suspect::tut:
This time in two years ya strawberries are gonna be more expensive

Perhaps. But if you go to any supermarket and look around, you will see that already there are products from scores of countries in and out of the EU on sale. Don't believe the hype from either side but open your eyes, people.

Buy British strawberries and ignore the funny shapes. Buy local. All round much greener.

This vote was largely based on ignorance from both sides I agree. But it was also two fingers up at Cameron for his arrogant decision to make us pay for leaflets to everyone with his opinion on them. And two fingers up at Juncker and the EU for their hopeless corrupt rotten edifice.

Sometimes it's good to stick two fingers up to ****ers who deserve it. And change is good for all of us. I reckon a few months of uncertainty then the Scots will clamber back in but the Dutch will leave and then the whole pile will collapse. Then we rebuild and learn from the mistakes.

But this is a pinball forum.
Yep, this is a pinball forum - well said. We're going to hell in a handcart in or out of Europe so we might as well play pinball whilst we're doing it [emoji1][emoji106]

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But this is a pinball forum.

Off topic though, I think we're good here!

Expensive strawberries, wow that is scary. Considering we grow our own anyway.... hardly going to be bothered about that epic argument!

I might have to take a picture of the uber bent Cucumber we picked today before it gets eaten. This thing is like a horseshoe. Very much doubt I'm going to notice the difference in flavor or that it's going to be hard to make a sandwich with after it's sliced up.

Looking forward to having a "Bent & Cheap Cucumbers Pallet" in Tesco!
then the Scots will clamber back in

Honestly don't believe this will happen after it all boils down. They had a low turnout and the swings up there were not as high as London. Sturgeon will try & fail and I hope that's the last of her too.
the strawberries quote was not mine
a bent cucumber tastes the same whatever the shape
and i always buy british if i can
now lets move on and put the great back in britain
and we can trade with the world yippee
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