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Sold Dracula and a (very!) project White Water

Fintan Stack

Jul 22, 2011
Lyme Regis
Hi Folks

As some of you are aware I am relocating to the sunny South West and it looks like I will be going sooner than anticipated. I have sold off all of my collection except these 2 machines. But now it's time for them to go.

Just to be clear, this is not the end of the road for me and pinball! However, I am moving away and making a go of my own business and so I need all the cash I can get right now. (And less stuff to have to haul with me!!) Hopefully, once I am settled in a few months time I can start collecting again!

So this is what I have for sale:

Bram Stoker's Dracula

Fully working condition. Cab has some red fade. The side's are not too bad but the red on the front is now white. No wear on the playfield. No broken plastics. (I have just added new sling shot plastics and they are tricky to find!) DMD is perfect.
I assume this was on site at the coast somewhere as some of the metalwork underneath the playfield has corrosion that would suggest this. Everything working fine though and it's nice and shiny on top.

I will take some proper photos soon but here are some I just took with my phone:





Looking for £1150 for it.

White Water

OK, so this one is a little tricky. Lets start with a picture!!


This thing is in bits. And not very well organised either!
I really hate to be selling this but I have run out of time and am nowhere near getting it all back together. I have spent a fortune on this as I wanted a beautiful White Water at the end. But it's all getting further disorganised as I pack up. And if I take it with me it's just going to get worse!

Current situation is this:

Cab and backbox exterior sanded down. Playfield stripped on top but still intact underneath. Parts removed in many boxes.

Full 'package' and the amount of cash I have sunk into this are as follows:

Original Machine - £1300
New Cab Decals -£350
New Ramp Set -£500
New Boulders Set -£130
Color DMD (unopened) -£330
Various parts (inc. blue legs) -£150

So I've spent around £2750 on this thing!
I have no idea on a fair asking price really because who ever takes this on (if anyone does of course) has a huge project on their hands. However, on the flip side whoever takes it on is, after some serious effort, going to have a very nice WH20.

Please bear in mind that the machine was fully working before I pulled it apart! So there should not be any nasty surprises when reassembled. Everything is there and the board set is 100% etc. The topper is present and I have even bought a new topper dome!

I really wanted to keep this but because I have run out of time I have caught myself considering a bodge job and just sticking it all back together ASAP. But that is madness after all the money I have spent on brand new parts. And it deserves better!

It's a pretty unique opportunity for someone looking for a big project!

So....... I don't know! £1600 as it is right now???
Might be interested in the drac for a friend. Will let you know after dinnertime when he gets home.
I've sent you a PM fintan. Can you put BSD on hold for me until I get time to work things out tonight?
Onze is after a Drac, he posted on Dan's thread earlier today :)

Edit: Whoops, cross posted..
Ah mate, sad to hear you're selling up. All the very best in your new business mate. Take care

those are my sentiments too, Dean.
one door closes and another one opens, so try to look in on us from time to time if you get a chance.
i'm already looking forward to your "i'm back" post down the road a ways.

i hope you'll still be taking time out from the new business to attend shows and stuff though?
will i see you in Daventry?
Soooo want the WW but it's outta my price range unless you want half now and half next month.... Rats :(
Balls - I'll take WW if it's still available....(and i can give that lovely big dog of yours a cuddle when i collect!!).. ;)

You have mail.....
Wow. That was fast!

WH20 sold.
Dracula provisionally sold.

Thanks for the kind words all. I will definitely be venturing back into pin ownership as soon as possible. It breaks my heart to sell my games. Sometimes I need reminding that there is more to life than pinball. Not much though, admittedly!
I can't stay out of the game too long. Looks like I will be missing Swavesy now which I am gutted about but I will be aiming to attend Daventry. I'll be busting to play by then! Plus I owe GrizZ and Dan (and probably another couple of you) a beer or 2.

I knew this day was fast approaching hence why I have been quiet on here of late. Weaning myself off it truth be told.

Any way. I'll still be lurking around. I love all you guys! :p
Sorry to hear you are cashing out but good on you for focusing on this move and your own business.
Sad I missed out on WH2O because despite all I am meant to be spending my money on, I would have bought it. ;)
Yeah man look in from time to time always sad to hear ppl leaving hobby good luck with. Your future plans dude:). Go on Paul have it! Live the dream;)
All the best for the new venture and hurry on back to the madness.
Hopefully catch up with you at the Pin Party at Daventry.
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