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Dr Who 2 ? Maybe


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10 Years
Jul 21, 2011
Nipper Pinball
In some areas of the pinball comunity there is talk of a second Dr Who Pinball Machine.

This could excite quite a lot of people if it comes off.

Hardest part would be getting permission from the BBC.
Would this just be an enthusiast built pin, or a commercial venture by a perticular company?
Can't see anything firm on this as yet but there are quite a lot of people talking about it.

I guess time will tell.

Would be pretty good if it came off.
Heard nothing on this. Transformers and music pin next for Stern. Jersey Jack has unlicensed for number 2 and some know what it is, but I don't

His third one is licensed, possibly the Hobbit but again only vague rumour.
Replay' date=' post: 1663374 said:
Heard nothing on this. Transformers and music pin next for Stern. Jersey Jack has unlicensed for number 2 and some know what it is, but I don't

His third one is licensed, possibly the Hobbit but again only vague rumour.

Rumour is 3rd JJP is Hobbit. Stern is also trying to get Harry Potter license.
Apparently Jack is against it, though I think it would be awesome. She's still a babe, and her commentary as a backdrop to Monster Bash 2 (as it were) could be very nice...

Tbh I wasn't wowed when I heard it, there's already 2 Elvira pins and SS is a fantastic game. We don't need another one, time for something completely new
Zombie bimbo space invaders. Ooh yeah :)

I reckon we need a palette cleanser after WOZ.
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