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Does a Machine have instant appeal


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Sep 29, 2018
Well the question is. When you buy a pin blindly does it have instant appeal.

When I bought my first pinball (Rollergames) It had an instant appeal and still a firm favourite for me.
I have bought several machines blindly.
Roadkings I had for a short time but enjoyed it while I had it. Simple game but did have appeal.
T2 when I first played it ,I really did not like it but after working at it and working out the shots grew to be another I play reg.
Maybe being a Steve Richie?

Now I bought a TAF and TZ on the popularity level.

The TAF & TZ I found slower to play and slower to like.
The TAF is growing on me and SHOWTIME pretty much set that off but the TZ is taking it's time to grasp.
Both I'm guessing the more I play the more I will get into.

Are there machines you bought that just did not gel?
TZ takes time. When I got mine I was bewildered and had really short games where nothing seemed to happen and I thought I made a terrible mistake. But slowly I began to figure it out and now it’s one of my favourites.

In fact I’ve noticed that games that I first encounter and really like in the first play usually bore me after a few more games. TOTAN and Stern POTC come to mind.

Games that have never gelled? MET. Such a dull game with so much “hit this 15 times” Pereservered with it for years before concluding it was a dog. I know others love it and for them it’s a great game but horses for courses....
Plenty of games give an instant hit but then get boring quickly. For myself I was desperate to buy a RFM after playing it at a show. A month or so afterwards it was shoved into a corner and unloved

Metallica was the opposite. Took a while to click and now it’s safely in the keeper selection.

I’m still struggling with GOT I want to love it but it’s just not that good a game. I keep holding out for a code update
Why does the TZ not have the iconic plinky plonky music playing.
I caught a whift of it on a section but it went pretty quick?
At least the TAF has the Addams family tune.
@Mfresh I'm going to keep at it on TZ. Just figuring out where everything is.
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Plenty of games give an instant hit but then get boring quickly. For myself I was desperate to buy a RFM after playing it at a show. A month or so afterwards it was shoved into a corner and unloved

Metallica was the opposite. Took a while to click and now it’s safely in the keeper selection.

I’m still struggling with GOT I want to love it but it’s just not that good a game. I keep holding out for a code update

Got is an amazing game a real strategy game so many different ways to play it
It does take time but once you figure it out then it awesome can’t see what could be done with a code update and I doubt there will be one
Got is an amazing game a real strategy game so many different ways to play it
It does take time but once you figure it out then it awesome can’t see what could be done with a code update and I doubt there will be one
Strange. I think it’s crying out for more code. What is the purpose of the fire button for any of the houses apart from Martel? Is there really any point to the collection of gold? To me it really does feel half Finished

It does have some good ideas such as the frozen flipper but lacks that polished feel of say AC/DC or Metallica
Strange. I think it’s crying out for more code. What is the purpose of the fire button for any of the houses apart from Martel? Is there really any point to the collection of gold? To me it really does feel half Finished

It does have some good ideas such as the frozen flipper but lacks that polished feel of say AC/DC or Metallica

That’s a really good point jon as I mainly start play with Martel to keep the multiball going and smash those super jackpots

Agree with you on twd cleland code with the proper call outs really made it for me
Are there machines you bought that just did not gel?

Walking Dead. Appreciate i’m in the minority, but it’s not a quick-click game. Owned LE and Pro. You need to be a reasonable standard of player and dig-in to the rules to get the most out of it. Sometimes i want a game i can just knock about, be rewarded with cool audio and some satisfying shots. That’s when i play Iron Man and Metallica. I also despise the zombie theme.

TZ is like a fine wine. Takes time to appreciate.
TAF bored me, it was a trophy game, been there seen that. Great for a quick go now and again though.
That's the real problem with TWD. It's an absolute dog to look at. Dreadful theme for me too.

GB I loved initially. The call outs, art and light show though couldn't hide the game play for all that long
i bought TZ, IJ williams, MM this year all unknown to me. i also bough whitewater which i’d played a couple of times and TAF that i’d played in the pub in the 90s and the LOTR which i’d played once at a league meet

each of them has taken time to get to know. finding a ruleset on the internet I found to be a great help as they usually explain the playfield layout and what to aim for as well as the deeper full ruleset and stuff like hidden features easter eggs etc.

first few games on any new machine for me are short and rubbish. then as things click into place the game becomes more enjoyable.

i’ve recently had the same experience with my latest machine JJP POTC. I really didn’t know what was going on for the first lot of games i played. then i started to understand what was happening and why. now i love it. but it took a good read of the ruleset for me to really start to love it.

out of all these machines. TAF is my least favourite. but i do like it more than i ever did.

personally for me. the real pleasure is gained once you have become familiar with a particular game. even my paragon and the even simpler EMs i have are much more fun once you know the rules and also how to make certain shots.

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@Monkeyboypaul @AlanJ TAF took me by surprise .
I thought I would instantly like it but when I first played I thought Eh!
It was only when *****SHOWTIME***** started that I really got the kick that I needed.
Now that I have a topper with the room lights off it really starts to come alive.
I'm going to spend some time getting the lighting right.
Have a few idea's but depends on how much time I have to do it all as I have four pins now to do up....
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