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Deeproot Pinball


Site Supporter
Jul 21, 2011
Couldn't see a previous thread and initially they were a bit of a joke.

However, it seems they are very serious about putting out multiple games next year.

Cabinet is a B/W - well, similar. Lots of unique mechs.

And an 80's license everyone wants?

Guess that is Back to the Future or Blues Brothers?


The pinball market is getting seriously squeezed!
Couldn't see a previous thread and initially they were a bit of a joke.

However, it seems they are very serious about putting out multiple games next year.

Cabinet is a B/W - well, similar. Lots of unique mechs.

And an 80's license everyone wants?

Guess that is Back to the Future or Blues Brothers?


The pinball market is getting seriously squeezed!

You mean it’s expanding surely!?

In my view let’s see the games and play them - if they are good and reliable - then great.

In the article there is comparison to JJP and in my view JJP haven’t quite delivered on what they claimed to be trying to do differently. Build quality on JJP isn’t as good as the money you pay should get you.

I’m hoping they have something to show at expo.


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You mean it’s expanding surely!?

In my view let’s see the games and play them - if they are good and reliable - then great.

In the article there is comparison to JJP and in my view JJP haven’t quite delivered on what they claimed to be trying to do differently. Build quality on JJP isn’t as good as the money you pay should get you.

I’m hoping they have something to show at expo.


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Expanding but also saturating, if that makes sense!
I can't wait to see the price point, Homepin show we can get reasonably priced NIB's - if this pushes Stern can come to the party here, pinball could get interesting.
if this pushes Stern
I doubt this will have the slightest impact on Stern, other than they could pinch some ideas of mechs if something innovating is used.

Let's say DP can get 100 machines a year made (which is probably a gross over estimation) they will definitely sell out, meaning there's no need for them to reduce prices - they'll probably be just as high, if not higher than a Stern.

Until a company is able to churn machines out at the same rate as Stern they've got little to worry about.
Mmm 80's movies... Gremlins could be a good choice. Mogwai and Stripe toys could be very iconic, for example. There's a new Rambo movie out next year, same with Top Gun, could be a tie in? The Goonies is a good thought too, or what about The Shining or Evil Dead.

But the description says "movie" singular instead of plural that might indicate that it's a franchise. Perhaps we'll all be surprised with something really bold like Akira or a Withnail & I pin haha?

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Weird Science pinball?


Some good potential for toys like the rocket coming out the roof of the house or Blob Paxton. Potential modes like lighting up the "ingredients" to build Lisa or escaping the biker gang attack. Plus who wouldn't want a Kelly Lebrock translite? ?
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