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Found it! Creech for DMD-era B/W, DMD-era Stern, etc. (see full list)


Aug 4, 2021
We have @SeikoKid’s old Creech here, which we’ve upgraded with a HD Pin2DMD XL, Snackbar mod, CPR backglass, new pink Titan rubbers, and replaced a ramp and a couple of plastics. It’s been cleaned thoroughly and came with LEDs. It currently has a HolomodSP screen on it, which isn’t working properly. We still have the original working hologram so, before trading, we’ll resolve the situation one way or the other (i.e. get the screen working or put the hologram back). It also has an (unfitted) TV screen mod, whirlpool switch cover and OPEN sign.

Problems with it are mainly that someone did a hack re-decalling job, so it’s wrinkly in a couple of places (more photos to follow). Play-wise, it’s a strong performer that held up nicely under heavy play during the recent London and SE League meet.

Creech is open to being traded because I’m incredibly tired of shooting Move Your Car for more than 42 million (often accidentally qualifying the multiball), and would like to rotate a bunch of pins through that space to learn the rules. I’m also open to selling the pin (and buying something else for the space).

More photos to follow, but - at the moment - I’m seeing if I get any interest in a trade. Money either way to make the trade work (within limits). We’ll use Martin. No urgency, please.


We’re looking for a trade pin that plays well under pressure. It can be cosmetically player’s condition, but - critically - no weird/dangerous mechanical or electrical faults (e.g. 90V difference in ground between the backbox and the cab) because @MadMonzer is tired of fixing this stuff.

Possible trade candidates:

The Shadow
Game of Thrones Prem
Stern Star Wars
Iron Man
Guardians of the Galaxy
Stern Star Trek
Metallica Pro
Harlem Globetrotters
Rush Pro
Mando Pro
High Speed
Tron Pro
Alice Cooper's Nightmare Castle - yes, if price works
A:IQ Pro
Iron Maiden Pro
Dirty Harry
TX Sector
STTNG (working, please. I am NOT, repeat NOT dealing with faults on this thing)
Theatre of Magic
Judge Dredd
Indy 500
World Cup Soccer
Johnny Mmenomic
Cactus Canyon
Scared Stiff
White Water
Is that all the trades your looking for or can you expand the list slightly 🤣🤣🤣🤣 good luck with your search
Well, there are pins I *don’t* want ;)

[If I just asked for a pin, bet my bottom dollar someone would offer either a Data East Star Wars or a Star Wars Episode I… 🤣]
I’m trying hard to think what “sucky DMD pins” there are as it’s all a matter of personal taste as we all know.
As I’ve always said there’s no such thing as a bad pin especially if you only have space for one. However Coly’s top 100 wouldn’t even have Creech in it and yes I’ve owned one.
Like I said nothing bad or sucky as pinball is a personal choice thing.

Sorry I try my best not to derail but I’m just sticking up for the poor sucky pins of this world.
I’m trying hard to think what “sucky DMD pins” there are as it’s all a matter of personal taste as we all know.
As I’ve always said there’s no such thing as a bad pin especially if you only have space for one. However Coly’s top 100 wouldn’t even have Creech in it and yes I’ve owned one.
Like I said nothing bad or sucky as pinball is a personal choice thing.

Sorry I try my best not to derail but I’m just sticking up for the poor sucky pins of this world.
I’ve retitled to avoid distraction :cool:

Our process included @MadMonzer (the B/W fan) searching every pin made by Bally and Williams between 1990 and 1999 sorted by Pinside rank, and removing everything potentially too pricey (TAF/TZ mostly, although we’re definitely open to one). I think we got to around #142 on Pinside before we started getting to stuff like Bride of Pinbot and Black Rose, which he definitely didn’t want to own. So ‘sucky’ by the generally agreed standards of Pinside, I guess…
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Both excellent!
I spent a week playing those two on-and-off on holiday in Prague… :eek:

My opinions on Episode I are coloured by the presence of Jar Jar Binks and the dimness of the CRT screen on the one I played, but DE Star Wars is definitely something of a one-shot game (great music though). I mean, both are great fun location pins, but not something I’d want to own for a week - never mind a couple of months.
DE Star Wars is definitely something of a one-shot game (great music though). I mean, both are great fun location pins, but not something I’d want to own for a week - never mind a couple of months.
Not with either the Chad code or anniversary code Stern released
Blimey Vee .... I thought that was the pinside top 100 for a moment 😉
No joke, it’s actually pretty close :oops: @MadMonzer doesn’t like JJPs and there’s a bunch of stuff in the Top 100 that is too rare/expensive/I haven’t played/don’t enjoy. I also enjoy the 80s Gottlieb Premiers a lot more than Pinside.

Black Rose is one of the best bang for buck games out there.

Only if you have nostalgia for 80s LCD handheld video games (and music) with terrible lag and even worse controls, and enjoy shooting up the middle over-and-over again (disclaimer: this is, as always, personal opinion :)).

Value for money-wise, I prefer most post-1970, pre-DMD titles. The variety and satisfaction level of the individual shots is WAYYY higher :)

Not with either the Chad code or anniversary code Stern released

I don’t know which code it was running, but the only thing that seemed to ‘blow up’ the machine score-wise was the ‘tri-ball’. Otherwise, there were a bunch of low-scoring ‘modes’, some of which (like speeder bikes) didn’t ask the player to do anything. So, it was basically ‘shoot Death Star loads of times, shoot steep ramp loads of times, occasionally shoot R2-D2, listen to very cool music’, which - admittedly - was fun in an arcade but not worth an own.

DE Jurassic Park is the MUCH better game.
Only if you have nostalgia for 80s LCD handheld video games (and music) with terrible lag and even worse controls, and enjoy shooting up the middle over-and-over again (disclaimer: this is, as always, personal opinion

I must be the exception to the rule then as I have no nostalgia for that and I loved Black Rose.
The rules are more than shooting in the middle all of the time, I rarely did that shot on mine😆 it's all about multiball, and stacking the sink ship letters then cashing in. It's brilliant. I regret selling mine, a little.
Much deeper than a lot of the other games on your list

DE Jurassic Park is the MUCH better game.

When did you play DEJP? There aren't many about on location if at all. Mine has the ChadH code which balances it much like Star Wars. Even then Tri ball on JP can get you over 800mil. But the modes only give you 30mil ish each.
I must be the exception to the rule then as I have no nostalgia for that and I loved Black Rose.
The rules are more than shooting in the middle all of the time, I rarely did that shot on mine😆 it's all about multiball, and stacking the sink ship letters then cashing in. It's brilliant. I regret selling mine, a little.
Much deeper than a lot of the other games on your list

When did you play DEJP? There aren't many about on location if at all. Mine has the ChadH code which balances it much like Star Wars. Even then Tri ball on JP can get you over 800mil. But the modes only give you 30mil ish each.

Black Rose is bloody ace 😁 I loved it. Would happily have it again. Such a great layout .
And much more to it than sinking ships , any swarthy old sea dog knows collecting the jewels and hidden treasure is where it’s at 🦜💎🏴‍☠️

If you don't want to deal with faults I'd highly recommend removing STTNG from your list, that game is notorious for being an absolute nightmare and it'll have you pulling your hair out in no time. Nice varied list of games though so hopefully something pops up for you 😊
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I must be the exception to the rule then as I have no nostalgia for that and I loved Black Rose.
Okay. I hate the video modes on Black Rose. It’s possible, if you go for the multiball, you don’t repeatedly encounter them and - thus - it’s a better game. But I want to never see again the horrible ‘swinging across the deck’ and even worse ‘hammer buttons to escape shark’ video modes. This isn’t something I’d volunteer to do by choice.

I’m struggling to think of a worse video mode, although Johnny Mneumonic’s ‘steer away from dots’ comes pretty close.

The rules are more than shooting in the middle all of the time, I rarely did that shot on mine😆 it's all about multiball, and stacking the sink ship letters then cashing in. It's brilliant. I regret selling mine, a little.

Maybe I just dislike pirate-themed pins 🤷‍♂️ I loathe Hook and aren’t a huge fan of Stern’s Pirates of the Caribbean either (although it was @MadMonzer who expressed his dislike of Black Rose, not just me).

When did you play DEJP? There aren't many about on location if at all. Mine has the ChadH code which balances it much like Star Wars. Even then Tri ball on JP can get you over 800mil. But the modes only give you 30mil ish each.

Prague. There’s an arcade in the city centre with about fifteen pins, mostly DE, B/W and Sega. They’ve got DE Star Wars and Jurassic Park, Star Wars Episode I, Sega Frankenstein, Gottlieb Street Fighter, etc. We were there for almost a week without the kids, so I had a lot of opportunities to play them.

I suspect they didn’t have the ChadH code because DEJP started each time with Stampede mode, which - as far as I know - is the original code.

Creech is @MadMonzer’s pin. I decided to trade it and he grudgingly accepted this, but without a lot of enthusiasm. Happily, he is a huge fan of The Shadow, and his face lit up when I mentioned a possible swap.
Prague. There’s an arcade in the city centre with about fifteen pins, mostly DE, B/W and Sega. They’ve got DE Star Wars and Jurassic Park, Star Wars Episode I, Sega Frankenstein, Gottlieb Street Fighter, etc. We were there for almost a week without the kids, so I had a lot of opportunities to play them.
Sorry for moving off topic, but we have just booked a trip to Prague and are hoping to visit the arcade you mentioned. Do they allow children as we will have Ethan with us? Also any recommendations on places to visit.
Sorry for moving off topic, but we have just booked a trip to Prague and are hoping to visit the arcade you mentioned. Do they allow children as we will have Ethan with us? Also any recommendations on places to visit.
I’m not sure about kids. It’s a licensed bar, which opens at 4pm, so not an obvious family venue but lots of pubs in the UK allow kids, so I don’t know.

If you’re taking Ethan, I’d recommend the Transport/Technical Museum (although we didn’t go). Petrin Park is good as it has a huge observation tower, a mirror maze and a funicular railway (although it’s possible only my kids are obsessed with funicular railways). Loads of families up there when we went.

We thought Prague Castle was reasonably kid-accessible - partly because it’s multiple different things on the same site so it’s hard to get bored. There was a dungeon (with torture equipment, a prisoner pit with a trapdoor and a winch, and hanging cages; horrible dungeons are always popular with the bigger little ones!), a street of tiny houses to explore, and a huge display of different historical armour.

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