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Complete Cosmic Gunfight

Decided to replace the 9 drop target decals using the new ones kindly provided by @HomerRamone 👍.

Not easy to remove the old ones insitu, so each of the three drop target mechs needs to come off the playfield. 5 hex headed screws each. There is a lamp holder over each one, so that needs carefully moving out of the way.
Old and new decals

Peeled off the shiny top layer

Then used sticky label remover, followed by an ipa clean to get the targets nice and ready

new decals
compared to the old:

all 3 banks done
Found a 6808. swapped it into the sound card and it worked again first time. Scared the crap out of me as it was on full volume !!!!

And there wouldn't have been a warning from a 'ting' sound to show it was okay as it booted up, either

Just out of curiosity, I think I can just see the 2-way DiL switch bank on the audio board. Did Williams still have alternative (but ridiculous) sound available by changing one of them? The other will be redundant without speech.

Another addition, what's that e/m era G 22-550 coil doing there, on the target bank in the background of pictures 2 & 3 above? I can't see if whoever fitted it added a diode, but it sounds as if you'd have found out by now if they hadn't
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Still having issues with the right pop bumper. As Ivwas testing and trying to figure out what’s up I noticed the switch matrix gone crazy, and then when i powered on one time this morning the outhole kicker was locking on and then blowing a fuse.

Outhole and easy fix. replace the tip122 with a better 102

The switch matrix up the swanee- i then by a strip of luck figured out the problem. it was linked to the non working right pop bumper. the pop should have a capacitor across its switch circuit, thus had been part cut off and had shorted to the switch below it on the switch matrix, blowing that matrix circuit.

I traced the switch matrix back to the board and figured it was a 4049 ic that has probably blown. unfortunately not the socketed one, so another ic to be taken out, socketed and replaced.

Replaced the 22uf on the pop bumper

The top GI still a bit hit and miss. discovered it was the inline connector that was not pushed together far enough, easy fix!
The two gates had no wire gates !

Fortunately i bought a marcos wire bending kit a while ago, so managed to make two new wire form gates.
That’s all there was.

Marcos kit. a selection of wires and a bending jig.
moved in to the pin room,
Did some proper play testing

The right flipper gunning. Adjusted eos switch but still doing it.
Took the coil off. the end stop is part of the flipper mounting plate? odd design. found two springs on the plunger. removed one and put it all back and now it’s fine

The drop targets are not dropping. They all needed the copper plate at the rear adjusting. all 9 needed a tweak. now working perfectly.

This is as far as i’m going with this at the moment. I may decide to restencil the cab and refurb the coin door etc. at a later date.
The Williams flipper bracket was a 'U' shape, with fixed end stop, when first introduced on Firepower. At a service technicians seminar in the 90's, Mr Cahill who presented these for Williams related how a long-running issue of flipper links breaking was cured by making the stop (by then a detachable item) slightly longer - the defence 'but we've been using it like this for years' was countered by "and links have been breaking for years". There were still some brand new original type brackets in stock at work, and I used up a couple (and gained a couple of new type left sided ones) by fitting them to the ball lock/dispenser mechanism on our Funhouses. The fixed low-height EoS switch attachments didn't matter for that.

Mr. Cahill also mentioned that only the original type fixed end-stop brackets would fit on the upper playfields of the two-level games. Seeing how tightly packed the playfield of Jungle Lord is, I understand what he meant.
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