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contract for Operating a pinball ?


10 Years
Jul 21, 2011

I have been approached by the local university union who are keen to have one of

my pinball machines.

I have not done anything like this before but I guess the usual arrangement is i

provide the machine and split the takings with them 50:50 If the machine is

damaged then I would stand the loss ?

They have said that they want to draw up a contract between us.

Does anyone have any suitable wording, give any comments or advice or point me

in the right direction.

thanks very much

I'm in the same boat at the moment, personally I would like to have a contract between myself and the site owners stating the profit shares, that they take responsibility of any damage caused to the machine, and most importantly that they take full responsibility for public liability, the last thing I want is a law suit on me because my machine ahas electrocuted someone or it's caught fire and burned the club down!

Any help would be appreciated.

if it was my pride and joy , definately they should prove that they have insured it against all risks, at a value of your choice, you keep the keys to the coin door and you empty it once a week and check the machine is working as it should at the same time ,say a 3 month rolling contract
johnthehappyguy' date=' post: 1677233 said:
I have been approached by the local university union who are keen to have one of

my pinball machines.

Did you end up putting a machine in at the uni? Am curious to know how you addressed the contract, takings, and insurances issues in the end?
Any operators out there willing to share some info about getting a machine installed at a venue?

What sort of terms and conditions do you work with? Insurance considerations? Liability concerns? What percentage do you settle on for splitting the proceeds?

Anyone got any interesting stories to share?
A few years back I had a pin in a friend of a friends bar. Straight 50/50 split for takings. TBH it was quite a casual arrangement and I dont think we even talked about insurance, liability etc :eek: ...prob should of done !

The one thing I would say is make sure whatever game you put out on site is, as near as you can make it, bulletproof ....ie make sure it plays faultlessly, flippers are good and strong and not gonna give up the ghost after 3 hrs play, even little things like getting lots of airballs ....sort it out cos that will prob result in stuck balls and annoyed punters.

Also make sure you are not stepping on someone elses turf ...I have heard of fruitie ops getting ****y about other people putting machines on *their* site.
GrizZ' date=' post: 1694298 said:
Also make sure you are not stepping on someone elses turf ...I have heard of fruitie ops getting ****y about other people putting machines on *their* site.

Just a small note here in response to the Searg, there are about 4 - 5 machines in my collection where the standard flat coin door key is universal, Martin the courier brought it to my attention when my STTNG turned up with no key for the coin door, he went straight to my Congo and said "that will do" and do it did, basically if you are installing a machine close to hostile members in the business, make sure you fit a barrel type key lock on your coin door, these are not a standard key TTBOMK and will safeguard against someone in the know potentially milking your cash cow.
Tether one of these to the legs and you'll have no problems with other ops......


as an added bonus it'll make the game more of a challenge, none of this widening the outlanes etc etc
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