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Changing BoP bulbs


Jul 21, 2011
Hi all -

I have a bulb out on my BoP. No big deal, but I can't get to it. It's one of the ones at the back right of the pf on the 100k-200k-300k standup (the 300k lamp actually).

With the playfield tipped up, I can feel the bulb holder with the tips of my fingers but can't get my (not particularly large or chubby) hand under enough to turn it. With the pf in it's normal position, you can't get behind it. I could unscrew it, but there are nuts holding it on at the back - getting them back on without dropping them would be near on impossible.

Anyone got a hint?

Cheers - Jon
That's a good tip Phil, and one well worth remembering. Thanks.

In this case however you can only get to the back of the board, the bulbs are held in the black twist in holders. As you know, they can be very stiff sometimes and I just can't get my hand/fingers in there enough to get any purchase. When the pf is tipped up, there isn't much clearance between the bottom of the cab and the back of the tipped up pf (which is where the bulb is). Removing the whole pf to get at a bulb seems excessive! It's a bit hard to explain really (and I'm not sure I've done a good job) - probably needs someone who has done it before to tell me!
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