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CFTBL boot issue


Site Supporter
10 Years
Jul 21, 2011
Turned my Creech on tonight. Screen kept cycling through "factory settings restored" and "bookkeeping totals cleared" on the screen. I assumed the batteries must be dead/corroded but when I removed them they look fine with no leaking or damage to the board. Tried a couple of more times with no luck.

Tried pushing on rom chips and reseated cables and it's started working again. A quick google suggests this is a reasonably common issue but I can't find a universal agreement on the cause for it. Any ideas?


Give me a few weeks as I need to fix this on my BSD and have fixed it before but can't remember why. Checking voltage at the RAM comes to mind and I think I replaced the RAM on the last board.
@jonathan, last night I removed the RAM, socketed it, and added a NVRAM kit from @myPinballs, allowing me to ditch external batteries and fix this issue which I believe was RAM failure.
It now after a night of being off, which it hadn't done so in the few weeks leading up to the switch.
@jonathan, last night I removed the RAM, socketed it, and added a NVRAM kit from @myPinballs, allowing me to ditch external batteries and fix this issue which I believe was RAM failure.
It now after a night of being off, which it hadn't done so in the few weeks leading up to the switch.

Thanks for the update. I've never desoldered a RAM before. I've got a decent wireless soldering iron though
I use a desolder station with a sucker and then a heat gun to then loosen the last parts.
Or cut the legs of the RAM off with a dremel so each leg can be extracted individually. The concern is raising a track through trying to tug the chip off.
Thanks for the update. I've never desoldered a RAM before. I've got a decent wireless soldering iron though
Dont try and remove the ram yourself unless you are decent at soldering.

Before all this, just check you actually have 4v or so at the ram when the board is off with new batteries installed. If not try a remote holder with croc clips to test, then either install a proper remote holder or go the nvram replacement route.
Just to check is it cycling through the factory settings and book keeping cleared messages on the screen over and over when you turn on, or is it just doing in the once every time you turn it on.

We had a DE Star Wars that at the start of a show starting cycling through the Audit settings over and over when it was turned on, I think that ended up being a PIA that needed replacing on the board.
Just to check is it cycling through the factory settings and book keeping cleared messages on the screen over and over when you turn on, or is it just doing in the once every time you turn it on.

We had a DE Star Wars that at the start of a show starting cycling through the Audit settings over and over when it was turned on, I think that ended up being a PIA that needed replacing on the board.

It was cycling over and over. Stopped doing it now but not sure what was causing it
Did you check the voltage the RAM. Pin 28

If that drops, the RAM won’t keep the settings.
This was the second board I have seen this and was a good time to change to NVRAM as I wanted to ditch the battery pack.
Check when the game is off to see what the pack is providing.
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