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BSD Reset


Site Supporter
Dec 29, 2017
Not sure if this is linked but the boot up on BSD goes through this cycle, then will work correctly after 3/5 resets and the DMD then goes to just looking weird in bottom right.

I imagine this is a low voltage reset and requires a capacitor change hence why after power for a set time it is going away after a period.

Carefully check the dmd voltages. That flaring is often associated with excess colts applied to the dmd and it is braking down the pixel insulation.

Relative to ground you should see several voltages including typically +63v, -113v and -125v

Would you expect the voltages to revert to normal though after operation? This seems to go away after bootup.
No if the dmd voltages are wrong it won't be to do with the reset if they are too high it's a problem on the dmd power board
Thanks @Poibug

So two things to sort then,

- Check DMD Voltages (Is it best to simply shotgun the HV on this?
- The reset, there is a lot of shotguns to do on this too (Capacitors and BR's) - is it worth just doing that also, I have the big caps and some BR's anyway.
Time to test voltages 2mins versus shotgun repair? I’d measure the voltages.
PIn is at a friends so would be driving an hour without parts :( I’ll buy then test :p then fit if needed :p
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