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Ben hecks 'LOST' Pinball machine

This was pretty cool. Do you know whether he finishes the pin, and if it is available filmed anywhere? And have you seen him on Sky or just found on the web?
Not sure if he's finished it yet. The vid was made back in may, so i'm not sure if any further progress has been made.

Ben heck is one of those guys that can make or build anything and likes to encourage people to do the same. He used to make console mods, hand held atari 2600's, left handed xbox controllers, etc.. but now makes anything you want, for a price. Hes promotes himself and the element14 website via his 'Ben heck show' that airs every two weeks on the sites i posted above.
Just checked out his twitter account - looks like he is working on it right now, along with John Popaduik of ToM, TOTAN, CV, etc, fame...Maybe this will be an episode at some point.

Jeri Ellsworth who appeared on the show has a few pin related vids on Youtube too (some of them building her own pin, but I don't think it was finished). I found her vids some time back when looking at how to take the DW mini playfield apart...
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