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Complete Bally Lost World


Site Supporter
Dec 27, 2017
Leeds, West Yorkshire
This is one of my dream games. It follows on from my passion for Paragon, this is the earlier machine and is very basic, with no drop targets, only stand ups,a spinner, 2 saucers and a captive ball hitting a standup. The artwork is brilliant.

It has a new repro backglass and new playfield plastics. original playfield which is acceptable (however CPR have got new ones currently in stock….hmmm).

The cabinet is the wrong one, so i plan to refurb and restencil with the correct paint job


The game has original boards and a few wiring hacks - i guess to get the game working in the wrong cab.


The game works but a number of issues:
1. Switch matrix row 0 is out.
2. Quite a few lamps out, old loose lamp holders and also perhaps issues with the lamp driver board.
3. One of coin credit switches does weird things when pressed? eg lights various playfield feature lights and strange numbers in player 2 score display.
4. self test button not working.

First job is to sort these minor niggles out so so can play a few games.

The lamp holders need replacing, so I may as well replace them all with my LedBars:

Once I’ve done Fathom and Medusa, I’ll do the cabinet work on this.
Great score. Beautiful game. Not seen one of these in the UK - at an event or for sale in years. A baby Paragon.

Globetrotters also quite similar to Paragon imho
Nice score @AlanJ :thumbs: Such a good looking game! Got to be Voltan Escapes Cosmic Doom next on the list if you're going for all the pretty games? ;)
I reckon @AlanJ is going for the Guinness world record for most pinball projects on the go at once :)
I thought worth kicking the thread off as I will do the lamps soon, and maybe sort out the coin door, but the cab work will have to wait a while. I dont think I could cope with two machines having cab work done at the same time.
First job on this game is to get all the lamps reliable. So out with the old sockets and bulbs

And in with the LedBars I made. After:

Took about 90 minutes to swap them all over and now I have a perfect set of controlled lights on the playfield. No more flaky lamp holders to worry about. The Leds are warm white, so look really quite natural .

The underside of the playfield is also a lot less cluttered.
Off with most of the old paint.

Far too hot to sand, so i’ll leave tgat for wedsnesday when the heatwave is over

So fix up all the holes in the woodwork:

Metal treated to an evaporust bath

long bits in here:

deja vue. seem to have done so many of these.

The 2-part wood filler has gone off in 4 minutes due to the heat. I’ll wait until tomorrow morning when it’s a bit cooler. for the next round.
More filling sanding. filling sanding
starting to get a nice square edge on the bottom of the rear panel. lots of other holes to fill. as usually bally back panel is weetabix like chipboard. gonna need quite a bit of work to get this right.

The backbox is also in poor shape with many chunks knocked off the corners and the base has been badly filled with polyfilla or something similarly chalky and flaky.

I’ve also taken the coin door apart and started rust removal and cleaning of all the metal parts.
lots to polish up once the rust is out of the way.
I like the look of this game
I wish I had your knowledge Alan, incredible mate
Thank you. The game is a very early bally solid state, so the game play is very simple, but it's a bit of a challenge. There are 4 stand up targets and the 2 top lane rollovers, these are hw you get your 2X, 3X, 5X end of ball bonus multipliers. There are two saucers left and right that progressively award points, and advance bonus, then there is a captive ball which you can hit for more points / extra ball when lit, and a spinner. That's it - no drop targets or anything fancy like that. The artwork is really nice though.
It does look nice there was one for sale not far from me on market place but went for paragon instead.
Love the artwork
Yea it’s proving to be a tough cookie lol
Keeps the whole family trying.
After going to the electric circus and playing loads of pins I have no idea what I’d love to buy next.
There’s too many good ones !
Great progress,glad you have the time/patience to sort it out,no idea what filler the op had used in the past,but it probably was some sort of polyfilla
Slow progress. at least we’re getting some primer on
I’ve realised i’m out of yellow base coat, so just put in an order. hopefully it arrives later in the week.

Tomorrow I’ll sand off the cabinet sides and fill in any dinks and damage.
Insert is not bad but the metal is rusty and it’s discoloured and some damage to the light surrounds. Need to dismantle so au can get it nice and shiny.
First side of cab sanded and 1st primer cost on, shows up a few dinks and holes that need filling

first yellow coat on the inside of head. this is slightly wrong colour for the outside, but will do as a base coat inside.

Sanded and primed the transformer guard

Then spent a while stripping out the insert

Sanded off the rough bits and gave it an initial coat of white. it’s got a few holes and repairs that i’ll do next.
Another round of filler on the cab and backbox insert


Will sand off tomorrow and apply a second coat of primer.
Sanded off the filler and applied second coat of primer to cab. another coat to the insert of white, then first coat of yellow to the cab and head.

Then more metal work out of the rust treatment. Ready for a polish.

The wiring loom has been washed and is drying out
Final cab side sanded off and first set of filler in.
Should be dry in an hour or so, so hoping you get a few coats of primer on today.

Not photoed but i’ve also painted the rear panel on the backbox and also done a coat on the rear side of the backbox display insert.
Weather is good today, so managed a coat of primer. looks a bit patchy but that’s ok as another coat will sort that out.


I have an absolute ton on metal parts to clean and polish but i can’t really start that u til i’ve got the cabinet paintwork all finished because the polishing creates a load of black dust, so I really want the cab all finished and clear coated before start the metal polishing jobs.
eventually got onto the stencilling. base yellow has been tricky due to some sort of issue in the bottom edge of the cabinet woodwork, the paint kept lifting. looks like the wood there has been contaminated with some sort of chemical.


Some of the bottom edge yellow paint has lifted again as i pulled off the stencil. I’ll try to sort it out once i’ve done the second stencil colour.
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