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Expired Anyone selling a TWD, DP Prem/Pro, CC, TZ, WOZ, Metallica, Addams or TBL?

Expired Due to no activity


Aug 4, 2021
Trying a slightly longer list… (three year old son’s comments in italics)

Anyone planning to sell:
  • The Walking Dead (I know that’s not easier, but… aka “There are zombies… Garrr, bleurgh, bleurgh!”)
  • Deadpool Prem/Pro (aka “BOOM!!!”)
  • Cactus Canyon (aka “He shot my drink! It was a baddie! There’s a train! I want train pinball!”)
  • Twilight Zone (aka “What’s that pinball? I like the car”)
  • The Addams Family
  • Wizard of Oz
  • Metallica (Prem/LE) (aka “Does that have zombies? Garrr, bleurgh”)
  • The Big Lebowski
No massive rush - just looking for intention in the New Year.

Already have adverts up for The Hobbit and James Bond 007 (aka “car pinball”).
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Daaamn what's happened to you Vee?

I remember two years ago(ish) you posting in the "what it's worth" thread with a list of games, saying these are the ones you want and no others. 😄
I said you'd get into other games as you spend more time in the hobby but I remember you disagreeing and were dead set on those particular games and they were going to be the only ones.

Now you buy anything 😉 (something I think you said about myself and Claire once).
Daaamn what's happened to you Vee?

I remember two years ago(ish) you posting in the "what it's worth" thread with a list of games, saying these are the ones you want and no others. 😄
I said you'd get into other games as you spend more time in the hobby but I remember you disagreeing and were dead set on those particular games and they were going to be the only ones.

Now you buy anything 😉 (something I think you said about myself and Claire once).
It’s kinda the opposite. I’m not into anything that I don’t already own, but we have a space in the back while Alien Poker is dismantled.

I had Creech in the slot, but got bored of it and sold it. Then, I got Centaur in the slot to practice on for tournaments and it’s lasted three weeks. So, I was looking for something with deeper rules that’s a tournament staple, but have realised while writing lists of pins that I simply don’t like anything enough to want to own it, even temporarily - when I already own some of the best pins of all time. I just vaguely want to try some stuff, given there’s a slot open and we already have money locked up in the existing pin.

Husband thinks we should close off the slot and I’ve come to agree with him, to be honest.
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Read the above comment to husband. He’s told me to take the adverts down. He said it’s clear after lengthy discussion about what to put on the Wanted list (and recent visits to PBR and Funland followed by more discussion) that I simply don’t care enough about any specific pin for it to be worth the financial cost and hassle of rotating, and I should just close the slot permanently.

He’s probably right…

He likes Bond, but it turns out I don’t like it enough to want to have three Spike 2 Sterns in the house. And I absolutely hate Lord of the RIngs (which he loves).
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I had a period of deciding to cycle machines through that slot to learn tournament rules, but that hasn’t worked out especially well because it’s so ludicrously joyless. I ended up advertising for the machines I liked least, but which appeared in tournaments frequently, in the hope of getting better at them. That made the back room into a potential source of grinding misery, where I just wanted to ignore the rotating pin and play Godzilla, so I’ve stopped that.

Off topic slightly, but just go to comps, Group Matchplay ones not league/best game. I saw you'd registered for the last one at PBR, then couldn't make it for whatever reason, which disappointed me as I think you'd have a totally different experience playing in of four players.
You don't always need to learn the rules of every game, you'll learn enough to potentially win a lot of rounds by watching others play and talking to them between balls. Most people who play in comps we go to or run don't know the rules of most of the games but they get by 😄. I know all of our games inside and out but still get beaten by others who attend our comps.

Plus I've found owning games detrimental because I'm rubbish at adapting, on Claire's creech you can regularly get jackpots and even a super jackpot, the feeds are friendly (until I adjust it for our comps 😉). Then I play the creech at the office and can't get more than 50mil, it's floatier, the feeds are nasty and the flippers are aligned slightly differently which really throws off your aim, especially if you've got muscle memory from playing a similar game at home over and over and over.
This has happened with multiple games we own, it's hard to adapt. 🤣

New year's resolution for Vee, play more Matchplay comps 😉
Off topic slightly, but just go to comps, Group Matchplay ones not league/best game. I saw you'd registered for the last one at PBR, then couldn't make it for whatever reason, which disappointed me as I think you'd have a totally different experience playing in of four players.

Our smaller guy started nursery full-time in September and, since then, I think we’ve managed a week where either a kid, or me (or @MadMonzer), hasn’t been sick. We’ve had two hospital visits so far, one child with early-stage pneumonia and a warning lesson for attendance for my oldest as he’s been ill so much. We’re absolutely exhausted… 😫

I couldn’t get to league at all for three weeks due to kid croup. Got there on Thursday evening, but felt really ill and had to leave, spent the following day asleep, and there was no way I was going to be well enough by the weekend 🤷‍♂️

New year's resolution for Vee, play more Matchplay comps 😉
It’s harder than it sounds. I probably should have chosen a hobby that doesn’t cause me these problems ;) ;) :D 🤣 but I develop unbearable sensory issues (light and noise, mostly) when I’m unwell. They tend to creep up on me on Thursday night league, which makes it hard to work out if I should take a card or not, and there’s no way I’d enter Matchplay - where three other people are depending on me - if there’s a possibility it might happen.
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