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Anyone any experience with NUC's/micro pc's


Staff member
Oct 5, 2012
South Wales
Just wondered if anyone has had any experience with these at all? Anything to look out for?

I'm contemplating putting together a small surveilance PC comprising of one of these, along with https://www.contaware.com/contacam.html (supports RTSP / H.264 / H.265 or MJPEG - therefore meaning most cameras about... )

Was looking at something like the blink system however this seems to have a lag which means that any short duration events are missed (recordings come back with "no action" so to speak).... this is in Practical terms as I have one (Was using as a mouse-cam last night as i have a furry "friend" in the garage!
Wouldn't have thought there'd be much happening on top of the mountain tumbleweed.gif
Use one in Forbidden planet and also my jukebox. Good but expensive compared to something like a zotac. Would be overkill for recording video.
Mate works for simply NUC. He raves about them

haven’t really looked at them much myself but can ask him or the boss for recommendations ?
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We use NUCs for some prototyping and testing, they're very versatile but there's a huge range of price points and capabilities. We've used the more expensive ones to test VMWare vSAN clusters. Have had a couple fail totally, so when pushed 24/7 they seem to be prone to issues (this is the actual Intel versions too).

For recording software, Zoneminder works OK but a dedicated DVR is much simpler to use and setup
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