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A new word perhaps?


Nov 8, 2016
New word "Pincrastination" - the action of finding other things to do rather than getting on with fixing up my Theatre of Magic pinball machine, which will look great when done, but I'm in a pretty deep vein of Pinball apathy right now after seeing my collection go out the door.

Just bought another nice pin (yet to arrive) and a whole load of mods (in the post) as I was pretty sick seeing the last two, TWD LE and AFM, leave for pastures new.

All gone to good people though. Most of the proceeds has gone to E.R.

Anyway, which project are you pincrastinating over?
Pincrastinating over a Fish Tales refurb, I got the backbox mostly done in the summer (must post pix for a refurb thread) and then winter set in and I don’t have the room or the time to get on with anything.
What is the new machine you have coming Spadge?
I picked up the nice Iron Man VE, which was fully loaded, although i found about another 9-10 things to do to it :)

I've had such nice machines in the past I've decided to pick up a nice one now and then. I really enjoyed IM (and had been told it was brutal) when I played it at NLP last Autumn. I liked it because it's mean and tough (like TWD) and people say they keep coming back to it.

I get a bit tired of machines that are overly long, deep and unfortunately easy such as AFM or LOTR, despite me really enjoying both of those and all the work I spent putting mods on them.

I may try a couple of other machines I've not had before but am highly likely to pick up a TZ and TAF again at some point, if they're in the right condition, maybe another WH20 too. No rush though.
I picked up the nice Iron Man VE, which was fully loaded, although i found about another 9-10 things to do to it :)

I've had such nice machines in the past I've decided to pick up a nice one now and then. I really enjoyed IM (and had been told it was brutal) when I played it at NLP last Autumn. I liked it because it's mean and tough (like TWD) and people say they keep coming back to it.

I get a bit tired of machines that are overly long, deep and unfortunately easy such as AFM or LOTR, despite me really enjoying both of those and all the work I spent putting mods on them.

I may try a couple of other machines I've not had before but am highly likely to pick up a TZ and TAF again at some point, if they're in the right condition, maybe another WH20 too. No rush though.

LOTR “easy” - you must be pulling my leg?

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I have a very nice tom, fun house, Totan, bop, fish tales , afm, taf, and Bally Star Trek all needing work, where they have been stripped and cabs done by Manny, new playfield, etc.
Should keep me going for ages , by the way I only stripped 2 of them, afm because I want a lovely original and Bally Star Trek because playfield was wrecked.
I currently have both Star Trek and funhouse in my workshop working on the playfields,
I picked up the nice Iron Man VE, which was fully loaded, although i found about another 9-10 things to do to it :)

I've had such nice machines in the past I've decided to pick up a nice one now and then. I really enjoyed IM (and had been told it was brutal) when I played it at NLP last Autumn. I liked it because it's mean and tough (like TWD) and people say they keep coming back to it.

I get a bit tired of machines that are overly long, deep and unfortunately easy such as AFM or LOTR, despite me really enjoying both of those and all the work I spent putting mods on them.

I may try a couple of other machines I've not had before but am highly likely to pick up a TZ and TAF again at some point, if they're in the right condition, maybe another WH20 too. No rush though.
AFM easy?! Mine isn't.
Anyway any game that is easy just open the outlanes as wide as they go. AFM will become hard instantly;)
And increase the pitch....
LOTR “easy” - you must be pulling my leg?

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Pretty much every game I was getting to the destruction of the ring. I loved the game but I had to pick my time to have a go on it as I was on a while.
AFM easy?! Mine isn't.
Anyway any game that is easy just open the outlanes as wide as they go. AFM will become hard instantly;)
And increase the pitch....

Mine was set up pretty generously for saves, I kept it like that. I loved the machine, but like lotr I could be on a while. Certainly take the point that I could have made it tougher, but I had it alongside a dozen machines and it would have been different if I’d had it alone or with just a couple of others.
Pretty much every game I was getting to the destruction of the ring. I loved the game but I had to pick my time to have a go on it as I was on a while.
The destruction of the Ring is just a tiny part of the game. This was useful info I got :

"playing the three movie multiballs and then destroying the ring is not easy but is within the grasp of most players - it's just hard enough that you feel a real sense of elation when you do it and you get rewarded by a suitably spectacular response from the machine.

However, once you have mastered that you will soon realise that there are many extra levels of depth to keep you hooked.
The next stage is to play for the modes (and to allow the movie multiballs to just come along by default)
Every completed mode gives you one of the very valuable gifts of the elves - and most are moderate to easy to complete - only witch king I find hard.
Playing all the modes qualifies a special mode "there and back again" which allows you to collect one by one all the points you earned in each of the modes.

Then, rather than just playing the movie multiballs you will want to complete them. Each completed one also earns a gift of the elves and some great call outs and rewards.

The final goal, and one which very few players ever achieve, is to reach the Valinor wizard mode - to get there you will have to have completed all the movie multiballs, played there and back again, collected all the gifts of the elves, and destroyed the ring. You may never get there (no-one has ever done it on my game although there have been some very near misses) but just the fact that it is there keeps the challenge alive!"

It's gonna keep me occupied for years - I'm lucky if I get one mode completed in a game, never mind 6! I've occasionally fully completed the fellowship multiball, but not the other 2 - yet!
Started stripping my 3rd Roadshow down and lost the motivation a little. Queued after that is a TZ (also my 3rd) which could be a while before I start it.

Will probably fit the [relatively easy] Total LightShow mod to Met Pro before restarting work on RS.

All the time IM sits there begging me to play it one more time... And get bent over a barrel while it royally shafts me one more time. Iron Bastard.
It's a long time since I had the enthusiasm to fully strip and shop a machine. I used to do all mine when I was bright eyed and new to all this , and decent priced fixer uppers were easily come by :) I don't really have that many games coming thru anymore - fairly settled collection I'm happier with a tinkering job that can be done within an hour rather than a machine in pieces for days or weeks these days.
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