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62256 NVRAM kit in the UK?


Site Supporter
Oct 18, 2015
United Kingdom
Does anyone in the UK offer a 62256 NVRAM kit? Seems like 6264 is most common but my AFM currently has a 62256 and I don’t want to have to do all the jumper faff I believe is required to get the 6264 working.
why dont you just try it rather than worrying about it?

Because I’m not only paying for the ram I’m paying someone to fit it Phil. I’m on a tight budget with pinball. It all adds up when you start making mistakes. I count myself lucky just to be able to be in the hobby and have the machines I own with a young family. So I try and get it right if I can before buying.
I suppose if you can't fit it yourself then it becomes a tad more difficult.
I suppose if you can't fit it yourself then it becomes a tad more difficult.

I guess looking back my original post suggested I was doing it (sorry) I want to have a go as I can solder but the traces look tiny so I’d rather get someone else with better soldering skills just incase.
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I believe that a 6264 nvram will work in any wpc-95 board once the socket is installed, as having looked at the schematics i think that the extra space on a 62256 is never used for wpc-95. I think wms just bought 62256 at the time as it was cheaper than 6264. Same dip size, but 2 extra address lines etc. So the settings mean the 62256 has its extra pages disabled. A13 & A14 both tied high.

If we could get a picture of the original board and its factory 62256 ram with a view of r93 and w3 then we could double check this theory beforehand. ie are all boards populated the same?
Thanks @myPinballs Pinitech also gave me pretty much the same reply so I’m pretty confident it will work. I’ll get a photo of the board for you just to double check :) thank you
In the interests of information this is what my ngg game looks like with factory 6264

So the only difference is jumper W3. This sets the extra ram bank but I don’t think the wpc-95 games even know about this memory area because they run fine using a 64k ram

So in summary install a 64k nvram with socket and try. If no good just cut jumper w3 which returns it to a 64k setup
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