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Why ops must hate seasoned players ;)

Sgt GrizZ

10 Years
Jul 21, 2011
Ex PinballInfo Admin . MIA Brighton Hove beach
So the South Coast Pinball Mafia paid a visit to the GrizZ Shack for some pin action tonight, mainly Dracula and Baywatch ...and to say goodbye to Tron :( ( Cheers Ravster for the loan )

Following the customary post pin slap up curry in the local Indian we headed to a local pub where they have a Whitewater :D

50p a game ! Boom ! 35 minutes and one 4 player game later we had racked up 5 free credits and 2 of us were on the hi score table ...... thats how the SCPM roll :cool:

Have to say the game was playing very easy - no leg levellers fitted (!) so fairly slow and controllable. I managed to get River Class 6 *twice* in the one game ...which if you know WH20 you will appreciate .

Ops must hate experienced players - we left the game in negative equity with more credits on than we had paid for :D
Actually I think it just belongs to the landlord , according to Will he 'bought it in a junk shop for £50' (!) ....yeah right :rolleyes:

He did also say that the board was dead when he bought it, and had to pay loads to get it fixed.. so my £200 offer fell on death ears
Played a POTC at Skegness last weekend and 5 free credits later me and the missus had finished our go. The replay was quite low to start with though and the match wanted to give us credits as well :)
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