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Weird problem on Whirlwind

Irving Hill

Feb 29, 2016

My whirlwind has suddenly developed a strange fault whereby using the flippers advances the score. Just pressing either flipper button does this. I've also noticed that if I lift the playfield, this will also advances the score. Nothing has been changed/removed/added but it seems to have developed this fault after the Playfield was lifted yesterday, nothing was done but this is the only link I can see.

Everything else seems to work, lights, sound, coils etc. Any ideas please?

Hmmmm. Perhaps you have a very sensitive switch which is activating under vibration from the flipper. Put it in switch test and do it and see if any others are activating.

Failing that you may have a bad diode somewhere causing a ghost switch.

How much is the score advancing each time? Is it a uniformed amount or random each time?
Also try banging the lock down bar with the palm of your hand and see if it adds to the score.
Thanks for the replies. The score is going up in multiples of 40000/80000 by the looks of things. Also, if I lift the Playfield fully upright, it will almost continually register a score, a good way of getting the high score I guess!

Banging on the lockdown bar does nothing. However, if you leave the machine in game and do nothing, when it fires the various coils to see where the ball is (I'm sure there's a technical name for this), it records a score for each coil that fires which is very odd
So what scores 40,000 in gameplay? Whatever it is, is the root of your problem. If your don't know go round the switches and see which one gives you the same as the unwanted random score. Then that switch is probably set to tight. Temporarily block the contacts with a piece of card to see if the issue has gone away.
How about putting it into switch test. Then vibrate the machine a bit and see which switch registers on the display
Check switches in shooter lane first then ball trough

Possibly the ball elect mech is bent, but eliminate switches from enquiries first
Anyone with a defective whirlwind .... these games are total crap, unreliable, riddled with design flaws, they are ticking time bombs, a threat to young and old alike,

I will take yours off your hands for cash or bk2k trade
So what scores 40,000 in gameplay? Whatever it is, is the root of your problem. If your don't know go round the switches and see which one gives you the same as the unwanted random score. Then that switch is probably set to tight. Temporarily block the contacts with a piece of card to see if the issue has gone away.

Andy, my favourite pinball repair man. I see a visit to my house coming again soon but will try your tip first
Anyone with a defective whirlwind .... these games are total crap, unreliable, riddled with design flaws, they are ticking time bombs, a threat to young and old alike,

I will take yours off your hands for cash or bk2k trade

I particularly like the "threat to young and old" bit. It's good to know that you are prepared to risk your life for me :)
Fixed! One of the standup targets had a contact that was hanging off. Every time the machine had any sort of vibration, such as working the flippers, it registered on the defective target. Thanks to all for the help and advice. :thumbs:
I have done test mode on switched and not showing a fault , also tested solonids too and they test ok.
Is the machine self test ok or are we better to use a meter ?
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