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Wanted/For Sale/Trade Ads - Thread Auto-close


Staff member
Oct 5, 2012
South Wales
Looking to implement an auto-close on all posts in the Wanted/For Sale/Trade forums, where all threads will be automatically locked after 1 year. This will hopefully stop people dragging up old threads that are several years old.

Also i believe that if you havent found what you are looking for after a year it would need to be re-posted anyhow!

Will try to get this implemented in 24 hours....

I cant see any negative effects from this - Unless anyone wants to tell me now before i do it?

I'd say you could safely reduce the time to 3months to close a Sale/Wanted thread without it losing anything- or will it apply to ALL threads?
I'd say you could safely reduce the time to 3months to close a Sale/Wanted thread without it losing anything- or will it apply to ALL threads?
Unfortunately not - hence why i suggested 12 months.... It automatically closes all threads in that specific forum (and puts a post in saying it was automatically closed due to the amount of time since the last post..)

I could set to 6 months if people agree that 6 months for a "wanted" thread was long enough....
Unfortunately not - hence why i suggested 12 months.... It automatically closes all threads in that specific forum (and puts a post in saying it was automatically closed due to the amount of time since the last post..)

I could set to 6 months if people agree that 6 months for a "wanted" thread was long enough....
I'd say 6 weeks is enough, assuming a bump would reset the count?
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