Turns out Pinaballia showroom is closed at the min as they are having work done for the foreseeable future......so now im not sure to go with the 32" 3 screen HD or the 32" 3 Screen 4k.....the difference in price is £2000 between them both (will all the extras on both). Anyone got any advice for me please?
Weird answer but it comes down to character and psychology, there’s no right answer.
Some people can’t bear to look at a 1080 knowing that 4k exists. They’ll just see blur every time they look at it.
Some people can’t bear to be at 4k knowing they’re getting a lot less performance for their pound.
Pinball to me is about performance. When I play PC games I crank the graphics down to maximise my frames per second so that when I’m in the flow, I get immersed and extract the authentic experience from the feedback. Pinball has a lot of fast flashing lights and moving balls so there’s a difference.
You need to find out what kind of person you are in this regard and the answer will be easy.
1080p at 32 inches is getting a little lofi for most people. Not for me because I extract realism from performance, but I still maintain that 4k is inferior unless you’re spending funny money.
My advice would be shoot for 2k if possible. If it’s not, if you’ve got funny money then just ensure from the provider some examples of average frame rates for some games and go 4K. If you’re really unsure, I’d get the 1080p because replacing the screen and upgrading the computer really isn’t that difficult. You maintain the cabinet, the hard drive and crucially the finnicky software setup for the peripherals.
I’d happily help with technically with the pc hardware upgrade, as I’m sure others would.