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To Those Going to NLP @ Play Expo..


Aug 10, 2011
Firstly to anyone going,helping out,loaning pins,offering help etc etc,many thanks indeed.
Without you the NLP bit would not be as big as it is,thanks again,you guys really do rock!

At NLP we number each machine there.
This helps when people report problems quoting the machine number but it also serves another purpose.

We always keep aside a few prizes as part of our "loyalty raffle".We draw numbers out and if you loaned the pin with that number,you will win a prize.
Might be a translite,may be some beers,may be Cliffy post rubbers,plus there are some other prizes:rolleyes:
It's just a little thank you.
This draw will take place approximately 6.30 pm on Saturday evening,so if you have loaned a pin,try and be around the NLP desk around that time.

Also,bear in mind 90 odd% of the people there have barely or never even seen/played pins before so please try and bear with them.
Sure you will see a few times one person playing a four player game,but have no idea they are doing so.
Try not to get too mad.If up for it explain it to them-when I have done this in the past nearly all have been happy to have this explained.For some it even makes their playing more fun,as they are then taught to have two player games against their mates:p

If you see a problem with a pin,and you are passing our desk or anyone in a blue NLP shirt,feel free to inform us of the problem and we will endeavour to fix it.
We have a dedicated repair team consisting of a few people on here - myself, @chris b , @Pudsey pinball ,French Gottlieb guru Pascal Janin etc etc - ie there are a fair few asigned to this task.Plus I am sure I can collar @pinballmania if I or others on the repair team are stuck and ask the Legend for advice:p

If you see someone beating the crap out of a machine please let us know(or if brave enough ask them to stop).

We are gonna have a few rows of makes eg a Gottlieb Sstate row,Sterns row.
Jims homebrew pinball lab,that will also have another homebrew game - Forbidden Planet
TWD will be there,plus,hopefully FT too

@replicas and Mark have marked out the pinball "slots" today and there is lots of space between each row,so no worries you won't be squeezing thru,nice big gaps.

Bear in mind there are many many thousands scheduled to arrive,so,as you would expect there is a possibility there could be delays getting in bang on opening time,as there are at other big shows.This is out of NLP's hands,but we are assured it will be better than last year:)

Hope you all enjoy it,and please have a go on one of our comps or the tombola.Some good prizes on the tombola stall,and all the money off that goes to The Teenage Cancer Trust

You guys rule :clap::clap::clap::clap::thumbs::thumbs::thumbs::thumbs:


PS if anyone pops into the Crispy Creme place before going in,mines a chocolate and custard one-just look for the yellow hat:thumbs:
TWD will be there,plus,hopefully FT too
Fish Tales exclusive, can't wait ;)

Seriously though, can't wait for this, it's going to be awesome :thumbs:

Kudos to the organisers for making it happen.
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