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**** this ****ing **** **** ****ing ******** **** **** TWAT!

Or have you stubbed your toe ?

Dropped a machine on your foot ?

Playfield came crashing down on the back of you head ?

Or you walked into a gun shooter and bashed your knackers ?

All are worth the cursing.
The last time I tried to use that bloody yahoogroup it was like someone had created it with crayons and finger paints. The UI is so cluttered up and dreadful these days. I can't even try to follow what is going on over there
I only post on there if I'm after something and after I've posted it on here which reminds me I still need a 6 digit desplay
Only posted on there once the other day, for some reason my post took hours to appear. :hmm:

So I ended up doubling posting. Don't think I'll be using that much, hard to follow the conversations.
Is there a bit of a story about how this forum came about? Like a breakaway group or something? And why do so many seem to stay on that group and not move over to here? Is it political?
The yahoo group works just fine if you use it like it was intended (as an email group). I have mine sending emails to gmail, then redirecting into a 'pinball' folder. Gmail groups up the conversations, works like a charm.

But I do prefer the atmosphere here on the forum. Bit more relaxed and friendly.
Not political at all. Myself and Martin are still on Speaking terms :)

I was thinking about it for a while, having previously run a 40K+ user UK based forum.... Someone started a "free" one (In Most - not all - cases, a lot of free web based forum software is awful). Couldn't stand it, and so within 24 hours had created this place....

I have always pushed this place as an alternative, and not a replacement for the Yahoo Group. I have to say i am so happy and proud of what this place has become :) Couldn't have even remotely become the place that it is without both the wonderful co-admins we have, and all of the helpful, and wonderful users here :)

Thanks for identifying those Dan - I'll add them to the banned list now ;)
I was thinking about it for a while, having previously run a 40K+ user UK based forum.... Someone started a "free" one (In Most - not all - cases, a lot of free web based forum software is awful). Couldn't stand it, and so within 24 hours had created this place....

XenForo is pretty damn good, I like it. It's made by the guys that left vBulletin after they got bought, so they certainly know what they're doing compared to most of the rubbish free forum systems!
Using the Yahoo group via emails works well if you don't mind missing 10% of the messages.:confused: Sometimes they turn up out of sequence but sometimes I never get them. It also tends to be whenever aa decent machine gets offered:mad:

I'm forever getting replies to questions I've never seen. Also it's a real lottery if people attach images.

I'd guess that most of us use both services.
And Dan given that you're presumably trying to contact Jim regarding his machines why don't you just PM him on here? You dozy ****ing ****!
The Yahoo groups have been around since 1998, and as mentioned above, are a group communication platform based on email. Frankly, it's still better accessed by email. There is rumour/suspicion that Yahoo aren't interested in Groups at all any more and the August 2013 "Neo" update of the web interface was an attempt to make it so awful everyone left. Problem is, after over 15 years of use by millions are people there is a huge wealth of information in there on some very specialist subjects - and mountain and mountains of dross too!

Personally I prefer PinballInfo as it's easier to use, instant and has pretty pictures (not just those from @cooldan) ;) but I still skim through my daily digest email from ukpinball and occasionally reply.
Using the Yahoo group via emails works well if you don't mind missing 10% of the messages.:confused: Sometimes they turn up out of sequence but sometimes I never get them. It also tends to be whenever aa decent machine gets offered:mad:

I'm forever getting replies to questions I've never seen. Also it's a real lottery if people attach images.

I'd guess that most of us use both services.

I've been on the Yahoogroup for over 10 years, and when it was quieter, it was not so bad, but things have moved on since mailing list based groups. Categorised forums are much easier to deal with and search on and I pretty much abandoned the yahoogroups one for this forum as soon as I could actually get the signup to work on here for me :rofl:

I also have had the problem on UK Pinball where I don't get all the messages, some arrive out of thread, and the worst of all, sometimes there is a huge lag in posting (by hours sometimes) so your message can arrive completely out of context.
Respect to Martin but not posted on the group for years, could at times be a very hostile place with group mentality and little moderation, first time I posted it got messy and went down hill from there with no one reeling it in, the forum is way more civilized and better in every way, it has evolved into a great site.
It's almost like RGP Vs Pinside in the early days... however then RGP died and a lot of the self righteous ended up on pinside......
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