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Wanted The wife says we cant afford it.


Oct 6, 2015
OK that might be true but shes said that twice before and the balifs aint got in yet, but that could be because im a joiner and made sure my doors are strong so thats why :D
Joking aside, well apart from being broke im thinking of a nice Apollo 13 or Mavrick if anyone has one at the right price. Remember its Christmas and thats all about giving so the cheaper it is the more santa will love you. :)
Is this thread to go with "the wife doesn't really know how much it was" thread? Cos i like that one more.
Surely the 'they all cost' price that we quote to our better halves has increased with pinflation. Maybe we could have a thread on here with an official 'they all cost' price so we can lie to them with some credibility (if that makes sense!)
Funny really as my wife doesn't mind what I spend my money on and I always tell her how much they are if she askes. We were talking MM and MMr one night and she said if it was her she would want an original over the remake and I pointed out that they were still hard to get hold of and still fetching around 5 or 6k, so she then asked how much I paid for the MMr so I told her, she wasn't bothered but she called me a D**k Head!
I now wish I had said £500!
Best quote I ever saw on pinside was from a bloke worrying that if he died his wife would sell his collection for what he told her he'd paid for it;)
I'm the same with my brewing equipment... I've got a 3 vessel Stainless steel 100L brewing set-up with 7 stainless steel 18L corny kegs for dispensing the ale connected to a 70/30 gas mix..
Worry is, if I die she'll think it's only scrap value after telling her over the years I keep getting bits N' bobs for next to nowt..

Mine knows how to use the internet and found Pinball Heaven's website... Needless to say there aren't any machines on there for £500. Even a Scoregasm is £1,800!
£500? Bloody hell that's pricey. I'm much more in the £100-150 range. No need to gloss over the truth as that's what I paid.

Wife still had a bloody moan about it though... [sigh] Do I moan when she spends £100 on another pair of running shoes that only last 3 months? Well, not audibly any way ;)
Funny really as my wife doesn't mind what I spend my money on and I always tell her how much they are if she askes. We were talking MM and MMr one night and she said if it was her she would want an original over the remake and I pointed out that they were still hard to get hold of and still fetching around 5 or 6k, so she then asked how much I paid for the MMr so I told her, she wasn't bothered but she called me a D**k Head!
I now wish I had said £500!
You Pussy Aide.
Mine has quite a progressive perspective on this. Whilst she has absolutely zero interest in it herself, she is very supportive of my pinball and happy to open the house up for league meetings and help out on the day.

To her, playing silly games in a predominantly courteous, male, child friendly, low alcohol environment and tinkering with them in garden sheds compares favourably to other common middle aged male predispositions like motorbikes, track days that trash the car, casinos, drugs, hookers, affairs, strip clubs, trading in wives for younger models, lads trips to Prague etc

So if £500 is a lot to her, perhaps contextualise with the alternative of a lads trip to Prague. The kind where you return with fake tan, glitter and perfume that no amount of scrubbing can remove, the mysterious departure of hundreds of pounds from the bank, "loss" of wallet etc etc
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