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Found it! STTNG extended stainless steel lane guides


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Jan 14, 2013
Hi Guys,

Looking for a pair of the above if anyone has some they want to part with ?

Cheers Kev
Obviously you are at liberty to do this mod, but there's an alternative solution. The worst drains are on the right hand side. Remove the upper right post under the right slingshot and fit a smaller slingshot rubber. Two benefits. It removes the post that tends to nudge the ball into the outlane, and it creates a funnel for the ball into the inlane.
I bought 2 sets of these as the STTNG I am refurbing didn't have the originals, so I was going to keep 1 set extended and then grind the other set back to stock. I've bought a set of originals from @myPinballs now though so have a set going spare. (I still need to arrange delivery of these though, my fault entirely!) They were from pinbits for $30 a set and would be happy to sell them to you at cost, £22 to your door?
Obviously you are at liberty to do this mod, but there's an alternative solution. The worst drains are on the right hand side. Remove the upper right post under the right slingshot and fit a smaller slingshot rubber. Two benefits. It removes the post that tends to nudge the ball into the outlane, and it creates a funnel for the ball into the inlane.
Thanks Andy very interesting may give that a try as well

Cheers Kev
My STTNG came with a set of plastic extended lane guides. They lasted about 2-3 months before the extended bit broke off on both sides. Luckily the original steel guides came with it. Avoid anything plastic. I might try to remove the slingshot post and fit a smaller rubber as suggested.
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